We finished up the last session of my 7th Sea game last night. "From the Depths" has been fun, but I was ready for it to be over, and I'm looking forward to the new game. It's cyberpunk-ish, and I'm having to do a lot of world-building for it (not my favorite thing to do, to be honest), but I've managed to come up with something that interests me, and with a few tweaks, I've gotten the all-important player buy-in as well. The game is going to be titled "Future Imperfect" for no reason other than it's sort of a grammar joke, and I'm an English language nerd. It's strange how for nearly twenty years of gaming, the idea of naming campaigns completely escaped me; only the influences of a few new friends and the intertron have suddenly awakened me to this brilliant and seemingly obvious idea. There's a game wiki set up
here, but there's not a lot on it right now, and what is there is subject to change at the moment.