Retainers brilliantly painful or painfully brilliant?

Mar 17, 2007 11:36

So I got a retainer last week, why? You ask, well because for some reason despite my parents spending thousands of dollars and years fixing my teeth with braces they (my teeth) have decided to move again. More to the point my four front upper teeth suddenly shifted forward and I couldn't have that. So off to the orthodontists I went. Where he told me the best thing for it would be a Red/White/Blue retainer set this is like the invisoline ones (you know where it's made of clear plastic and supposedly can't be seen) but unlike invisoline where you get something like a series of ten retainers to slowly and I imagine not all that painfully move your teeth Red/White/Blues are a series of three (hence the name) So that’s a good thing right? Cost less takes less time, but at what price? I'll tell you what; pain lots butt honking pain that’s what. When my orthodontist shoved the first one in the best way I can describe it would be just shy of agony I actually lurched out of the chair and ripped it out I was so surprised. But the Dr. put it back in and looked at it and said that it fit fine and to just wait a few days then it would stop hurting. And it's true in the manner of getting used to having a vise on my face I’ve grown accustomed to the damn thing.

But here's the clincher I also decided to start really watching my diet this week as I’m quite sick of my current weight, mind any one who might be concerned I'm not dieting I’m eating healthier foods and cutting out sweets. All of which has been made easier by the retainer, which after a few days switched from being a vise to a corset of sorts. As now it doesn’t hurt when it's on but only when it's removed, so now whenever I go to eat it's very painful biting any thing with my upper front teeth is not possible and thus eating between meals has become a non-issue as I don't want to take the retainer out and be in pain.

The world’s strangest silver lining, perhaps?
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