interview (part 1)

Jan 14, 2010 01:28

Here is a very interesting interview with me =) Questions by Lina Silberlaint, verbalic and visual answers by me

# 1
Can you please introduce yourself! (name / artistic pseudonym / what do you do)

- My name is Irina Victorovna Fedorova. My artistic pseudonym is Amnephis. I'm an illustrator and a writer. My favorite illustrator tool is an isograph.


#  2
Can you please name a number of things / matters you enjoy illustrating the most?

- Humans and their relations. Towers, strange buildings. Cats, birds, fishes, imaginary creatures.

babylonian lovers

A tagline that would draw a line through all the concepts of your illustrations?

- Oh. I think I can name his special tag «Mental Traveller» | «the journey of a  Mental Treveller». All the illustrations I ever did were the landscapes seen by a «Traveller». In some worlds he's young, in others he's old, in some spaces he's a man, in another he's a woman. Someone, strange one, magic one, he's traveling through the different worlds: deserts of human spirit, sea bottoms of human soul, magic forests of human imagination, labyrinths of human fears, cities of human beings. May be he's looking for knowledge about what a human being is.


#  3
Did you dream about anything last night? Do you remember your dreams? Do you see more realistic or sci-fi dreams?

- I did. Last night I've seen a routine labyrinth-like story about human relations. It was revolutionary and calm at the same time. One of the characters was Til Linderman, the vocalist of Rammstein =)
I try to remember every dream I`ve seen, but sometimes it`s difficult.
I see more realistic dreams.

night is the horse

How often do you base your work /your characters on the visionary world of the dreams you ve seen?

- My writer work is often being based on the world of my dreams, cause my usual dreams are about complicated human relations with each other or with the world they are living in. Usually I see dreams with complex plot but visionary simple. May be because I'm day-dreaming so often! =) When I'm drawing it's like dreaming. I can hardly speak when I draw.
But I can base a picture on the mood or atmosphere of my dreams in my illustrator work.

babylonian towers

# 4
 How does reality tend to inspire / influence your work?

- Reality inspires me by the feelings someone feels for me, or by the feelings I have =) Very often it's a reality of another human soul what inspires me the most. It's not seen, but it's existing.


#  5
Talking about the characters in the world of your illustration, would you please tell me about the process of creating and developing a character from the first time they appear in your head to the communicating the character to the client?

- Oh. The character appears not in my head, it appears on the paper during the process of drawing. (Seriously) If I have to create the character for the client first I imagine character's personal way of feeling, his nature and soul, I don't imagine it visionary. If I imagine character visionary usually I can't draw him. It's funny.


What does the first vision of a character / image looks like in your head? What influences the features / details / the final look?

- There is no first vision in my head, all the visions are on the paper. To draw is to think for me. I`m tuning myself in a special way to feel who the character is as if he`s alive, I`m trying not to see him but to see by his eyes. And that`s right.
The features and details are consequences of the character`s temper| composition of the drawing

shy warrior

#  6
What is the space / place / objects that inspire / influence your visions / characters / creatures / landscapes from?

- My inner world, I think.

great bird

#  7
What role does research play in your work? What is your research process? What is your favourite way of doing research?

- Research plays a great role =) To draw is to think and to draw is to do research. I make a research into myself and my client, my inner world and another inner worlds, a human soul in general. I'm my best test-tube! =)


#  8
What kind of sketchbooks do you keep? More drawings? Writings?

- I was answering your questions inside my sketchbook =) Usually there are more writings. But as we know to draw is to think and I need some little thoughts to be drawn.

power is love

tender thoughts, визуальная краса

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