Dec 14, 2015 23:29
I think a lot of my bad eating habits are self destructive in nature. I feel similar levels of feelings when I go out and binge on food as when i used to self injure. I know I don't want to eat that much. I know it doens't taste as good anymore, and that It is making me uncomfortable. I know I don't have to clear my plate, or order the appetizer and the entree, or eat the whole carton. I don't want to, but as I'm only a sort of third party in my head going, "this is stupid, this is not ok" as I'm shoveling spoon full and forkfull into my face. It's just more socially acceptable to eat so much you feel sick and hate yourself, then to scratch holes in your skin.
You can quit most self distructive bad habits, but you just can't quit food altogether.