Oh crap

Nov 14, 2012 07:05

Sorry for the language but I think the news I got yesterday warrants it!

After increasing levels of pain to the point where sleep was utterly broken every few minutes by leg touching matters and me waking up squeaking (even in my sleep I don't scream no matter how high the lIn level) I gave in and saw the dr on Monday. This led to referal to DVT assessment team and then to bloods and Doppler scan yesterday. I officially have a DVT. I'm now on fibrin short term and warfarin for 3 months.
I've also been told there is a high chance of the clot recurring because of the surgery I had 8 weeks ago. Also the dr who gave me the results has dealt with a lot of patients post fachiotomy and he's said there is rarely a good outcome relating to walking and running. Pretty much I should expect that it is going to have permanent large scale reductions in what I can do.

I'm struggling to get my head round this all let alone cope with the meds because of the injury and the pain. I really don't know what to think or feel. So far after only 2 days on the fibrin the bruising I have both at injection sites and even just where my toes overlap slightly is black and painful. I'm not looking forward to next 3 months.

I have to notify occupational health today also try to get dla forms and I need to contact tissue viability nurses to get a grade 2 compression stocking. Friday I go back to hospital for my first INR check.

I think flibble is the appropriate word here mostly brought by lack of sleep. Only day I've had decent sleep recently was the one night I took a sleeping tablet but I'm scared to use them more than once in a blue moon.

Flibble, flibble, flibble!!!

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