Purple things and other waffle! oh and a date for surgery....

Dec 05, 2011 15:01

Well after the last few weeks of things not going so well things are starting to look up. I wandered into Clarks just for a look as they were advertising a sale and found the lovely bright purple lace ups that I'd resisted buying were now muchly reduced and they had a choice of other purple and bright pink shoes on sale in the sale so had fun trying them all on. I was good I resisted buying them all and bought the sensible butt bright purple lace ups and I'm so in love with them. THey are flats and have the lovely soft but cushiony sole Clarks is so good at. I now have shoes I can wear as an alternet to my trainers which is good.
Also a coat I wanted as I've lost weight and my waterproof jacket is now huge on me randomly appeared in the shop my sister works in after another shop in the chain messed up my reservation and I'd given up hope of getting it as well it's full price was £200 and I couldn't afford that. It had been on offer at half price which I could nearly justify but then as it was in her work for some reason her manager let her have saff discount on top of the discount so I've got a Berghaus bright purple waterproof with bright pink fleece for £70! Hooray says I. Also a friend was talking about clothes and it's made me think about things I'm wearing and thing's I've not worn for a while. So some waffle...I have a red tartan mini skirt and think it might just have to get an airing at college admitedly with thick wolley black tights though I will have to forgo my lovely new shoes as they don't match. Today inspired by my new shoes I just had to wear my frivolous bright purple trimed with cream lace and a bright pink bow bra set and my purple fluffy hoody to go with the shoes sadly I don't have any purple trousers so black ccords had to do.
I also have my new going out jacket in a sale black zip tailorer shape but with ribbon corset lacing at the back. Now I just need somewhere to go out to wear it....

Good times after being so ill and still being ill. Also hooray my ucas form is about to have my reference written by my tutor so will be ready within the week for me to pay and it'll be on it's way to the universities. Now to hope and pray I get some interviews and offers. My wonderful tutor gave me an extension on the piece of work due in this week but after finding out that the other piece of work has had the deadline moved once again to a week later than I thought I doubt I'll need the extenion but if I don't ask for it and then need it....
I'm fed up whilst I look less tired I'm still struggling with the asthma, truth be told now the steroids are out of my system the asthma is dropping off again which is annoying and means that the nearly constant headache I've had since we upped the dose of theophylline means something somewhere isn't going as it should be.

In other news I have a date for orthopeadic surgery. On 5th Jan I will be having an arthroscopy on my right knee so they can do a tidy up and see if anything else needs doing but after a chat with one of the nicest consultants I've ever talked to and that's quiet a few now he said frankly he didn't think doing the ligament rebuild would gain me much and I agree with him so for now we're leaving anything major unless something is found when he's in my knee. My left knee hes going to try dyothermay I think its called on the back of my kneecap and on the end of the bone where it's worn away. Again there are other possible options of thing that may be done but we'll see when he's in my knee. I'm hopefully having the surgery with a spinal anaesthetic so I'll be awake so I can make decisions as things happen but if my back doesn't play and I have to have a general anaestetic I'm open to him trying whatever he thinks if it may improve my pain control. He's said it's likely that no matter what I'm provbably going to need some knee surgery roughly every 5 years to keep things ticking over and as pain controlled as possible. This will also help hold off things like knee replacements for as long as possible whilst giving me the best life quality we can manage.
Whilst having the pre op tests done they did all the normal things but I seem to be running with pulse much higher than it should be and O2 sats lower than they normaly are for me. I normaly manage to be well normal about 99% + but I was down at 94%. They weren't worried as I had brittle asthma written on the form but I know this isn't normal for me and the hospital were saying with the upped dose of theophylline things should go back to normal. THings aren't I'm tired constantly short of breath and unsure what the next plan is. I'll see what the blood test result on my theophylline levels is tomorrow hopefully and go from there. I'm not sue to see my consultant till not sure due a lung function test in January..... Though I've just recieved a discharge letter from the hospital and apparently I'm supposed to see a dr from that hospital in about 6 weeks. I'll wait another week or so to see if an appointment letter comes through then I'll chase it before it gets too close to Christmas and people not being about as the holiday season messes up the system.

I'm so sorry for waffling so long but once I started.... Hope when I start my work shortly it flows as well as the waffle posted here.

new clothes, college work, and general waffle, new shoes, ill

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