
Sep 25, 2011 22:06

Sometimes things in other peoples lives come up and smack you round the face. I've not commented at all on a friends post till this evening as I've struggled to think of anything constructive to say as the whole matter it concerns bring sup so many memories for me.
I'm deeply sorry for my friend and for the person concerned's girlfriend that hes out of character got up and gone missing at least taking some stuff with him but ha now been missing for a week. It particularly hit home when the only possible thing known about is this man and his girlfriend had had a slight tiff not that long before he disappeared.

FOr me its just brought back memories of my dad. It wa 10 years ago a couple of months back that dad had a tiff with mum walked out of the house and less than 24 hours later commited suicide. Dad didn't take anything with him unlike this man so i'm more optomistic of a sensible/good outcome happening in the end here.

Sorry folks I by no means mean to cause any upset or offense it's just sometimes memories can be hard to live with.


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