Still Alive

Jul 18, 2007 08:38

Well I've just realised I've not posted in ages. Probably because I've not got much to say thats interesting.

I'm away to Maelstrom this weekend. I've got to make 2 differnt cakes and finish off a few small bits of sewing as well. Not really to big an issue. I then need to find kit and money which may prove to be harder work.

Other than that the bug I had last Maelstom has caused problems to linger. Its caused reactive arthritis which I've now been fighting for the last 5 weeks. Many differnt pain killrs have been tried. Mostly with no real effect or causing lots of side effects. It really doesn't help that I'm allergic to the group of pain killers that would probably help most. So now the dr is trying me for 2 weeks on MST 5s. THis is a slow release morhine tablet. Neithe of us is sure about this for a whole raft of reasons, not least the fact that its morphine. So far I'm only on my 2nd tablet but it does seem to help. THe first tablet wa great but this 2nd one I do feel rather sick. Possibly differnt as on an empty stomach so will grab something to eat on the way to work.

I at least feel plaesed with myself that I've not given into it hurting and I'm still working.

More news later when I'm not about to go to work.

pain, maelstrom

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