News (or not much but hey!)

Dec 05, 2005 01:01

Ok I haven't posted anything for a while as a case of apathy plus just not feeling like dealing with people and assorted comments has been on me. (Mostly nothing do do with comments on my pages but just assorted stuff on ljs)

Well I went to a cool lrp a couple of weekends ago. It was bitterly cold but yay for organisers who provided heaters for the IC sleeping tents! It was fun even if I'm not able to afford my own bank firer to play with. (Before anyones says no I didn't get any real injuries at al at the event) A small powder burn from having my hand out hitting a moster when someone fired a gun over my hand but it didn't even sting for more than a couple of mins and wouldn't have happened apart from it was the ony warm point all weekend (warm being relative.... somewhere round about 1or 2 degrees when a lot had been sub zero).
Returned home tired but happy. Not sure if I'll take part again but not because of the quality of the event but because as long as I get my nursing place I'll have to be very selective for the next 3 years and I've already got so much stuff where i'm more established.

My Christmas shopping is finished which is just as well as I'm now broke. While finishing the Christmas shopping and somw food shopping I slipped over putting the trolley away and have my left wrist in plaster. A broken scaphoid is the hospitals thought. Ah well these things happen and I don't feel to bad about it as I wasn't doing anything silly at the time. It has been a nuisance as I'm signed off work. This is bad for pay and the fact that my manager has taken it like i've done it to personally inconvinience him. Oh well I'm sure it will sort out in the end and if they don't ake me on at the end of the probation period then I'm sure I can find some work through a temping agency til I start my course.

I had the Occupational Health appoinment for the course on Friday and it went ok. Everything with the nurse went fine but the Dr was conserned that my epilepsy might cause a problem with working. Even though Isupplied him with as much info a I could he still wants to write to my consultant and get more info. I don't think he'll get any more info but hey we'll see. Speaking to the nurse before I left she said that there was nothing medically that would bar me from starting but depending upon the info about the epilepsy I might get delayed till a later start date. I have to wait 3 weeks before I can ring and see if they've heard anything and any decisions have been made. If nothing heard by then I'll have to wait into the new year. I have a feeling I'm going to be delayed on the start but I'm trying tostay optomistic and hope for a Jan start still.

Apart from that my divorce is moving nowhere so it looks like I'll be going to court to force a settlement. This is adding to the stress as the money would be useful. I'm getting fustrated that I have to wait while Dom sits about in the house doing what he likes. Overall I know that I'l get there in the end but not before what love I had left for Dom is destroyed by him at this rate.

health, nursing course, divorce

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