Exams fucked my brain XD
I've passed my Russian test and English exam with excellent marks, and now I'm waiting for my Maths test results... errrr, embarassing! On Tuesday I have computer science exam, and on 19th of June - russian literature one:(( I am to write a research work about Pasternak's 'Doctor Zhivago' but... u know, D.Z. sucks - I didn't manage to find any slash in this book *LOL* well, of course, there IS slash (slash is everywhere), but I see no slash in Zhivago. Anyway, I'm not interested in writing any research work about it(((
Created a MSN-account. Have no idea WTF should I do there^_^ Suppose, having fun:) -->
http://spaces.msn.com/ammoral/ P.S. I need to create something. Probably, one more crappy fanart^_^ Or fanfiction (crazy thought, I've never wrote fics in English; my language is always not here when I need it!)