(no subject)

Oct 19, 2006 01:26

Happy little shadow priest says:
A couple of days ago my mum wanted me to call someone, so I told her to bring the phone upstairs to me and i'll call.

So she comes with a remote control, and I was like "Yes... I'll make a phone call with this" >.>

Also, for the last month, she has been complaining about losing a pair of shoes, and keeps blaiming me!

I told her I had nothing to do with them going missing and that she probably left them outside and someone stole them or something, because she always leaves her shoes outside.

Well, last night she was going through our freezer for tomorrow's dinner, and guess what she found... She pulls out a plastic bag with the shoes in them! I think she must have put them in with the groceries a month ago!

I was like "Aahahahahhahahahahahaha roflcopter lollerskates!!! one1!!!", it was so funny!
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