Supernatural Reverse Big Bang 2013

Jan 15, 2014 18:45

Art Title: The Hell-monster in the Cellar
Prompt Number: 1078
Artist: ammo
Fic Title: Ex Machina
Author: missyjack
Total Words: 8,000
Genre(s): Gen, Season 9 case!fic, bunker!fic
Characters: Team Free Will
Notes:  I wanted to do something kind of different, a larger-scale type of monster for the guys to play around with.  I tried to push myself a little more with various aspects of this image as well, and I had a lot of fun drawing this one. missyjack's story took this idea and ran with it!  It's a great romp, and I'm so honored to have her pick my picture and come up with such a fun story!  Thank you so much!
Fic Link: LJ // AO3
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