Oh I Know You’ve Been Seeing Red, Don’t Put A Pistol To Your Head…

Jul 05, 2011 22:27

EEEEEEEEEEEEEK, I’ve finally seen Alice Cooper. :D

samii_jane , your gig fairy finally arrived!! X)
The concert was just BRILLIANT. That man knows how to put on a good show!
Do you want one of my classical gig reviews now? X) Well, you get one whether you want it or not. xD

I began the day with some house work, buying groceries and cleaning a bit. I spent the afternoon bouncing around in the apartment, trying to kill time and listening to my Alice CDs.
Around 13:30 I finally put on my gig clothes and make-up (Well, eyeliner anyway. I look ridiculous in make-up.), and got on the bus shortly after two. I arrived at the central station around twenty minutes later, and bought my ticket while waiting for Sunnypoos to arrive. We soon got on the train, and met up with my sister and her boyfriend at the station in Stockholm to go to Gröna Lund together.

Sis’ boyfriend had suggested we should arrive early in case we’d have to queue a while. He and sis had some card to the amusement park and just went in without queuing. But it went surprisingly smooth for me and Sunny; we came in within 20 minutes, perhaps. The clock wasn’t more than five, and the gig would begin eight.

I’m not any big fan of amusement parks, and none of the other’s felt like trying any of the attractions either, so we strolled around and ate during the three hours that were left. Well, Sunny spent over an hour queuing for dinner by one of the restaurants…Gröna Lund is a very popular place, especially now during summer, and the fact that Alice would play brought even more people there. It was easy to see who had come there for the gig though; it was the ones who looked like they had come straight from the 80s! Band t-shirts, trashy jeans, leather jackets and boots…:P Well, I looked somewhat the same myself, I must have used about a quarter of the contents left of my hairspray for that gig…Ahem x)

The two lovebirds left me alone and went to the stage as I waited outside the restaurant for Sunny to get her dinner, and I stared at my watch every now and then. Time went fast now, just because I knew Sunny was stuck in there. When we finally could go back to the stage the clock was about 19:45. Needless to say, I was rather stressed. The place was crowded, and I could always dream of standing by the barrier right in front of them. I and Sunny found some places far right of the stage, but it was less crowded then. Sis and her boyfriend were somewhere else in the crowd.
The closest I came was perhaps on fifth row by the barrier, so I came pretty close anyway.

Seriously, I have to ask, WHY do people have to smoke at outdoor gigs?! Smoking is disgusting, and it’s not very nice getting ash on the clothes or have smoke blown right in your face. EW.

Alright, back to the gig. I and Sunny stood there waiting, and people begin to push us and try to get past. Why do tall people have to stand in front of you? The place I had was already rather rubbish, and then some 6 foot bastard push me aside to stand right.in.front.of.me. You don’t do that to me without me paying back, I warn you to try that. When I’m at a gig, then I want to see at least something of the stage. Two blokes then began pushing me forward as Alice came on, and you couldn’t go further forward because people were like sardines in a can by now. So, I lost my temper a bit (Sunny later told me that I was rather, “um…Defensive.”) and shoved my elbows in their bellies. I got some cross glares, but what the heck, I don’t feel like holding my breath two hours and not being able to move!

I saw the stage, all three guitarists, the bass player and Alice, but not the drummer. I had a tent and amps in the way, so I have no idea who it was or what he looked like. All I can tell is that it was hell of a drummer, the drum solo was brilliant!

I didn’t recognise all songs, but most of them anyway. :P I screamed like an idiot when Hey Stoopid came on, because I like that song so much xD Alice barely needed to sing the chorus, we did it for him.
People went nuts when the intro to Feed My Frankenstein began, that including me. The monster they brought up on stage for that song was really creepy, but so cool x’) I later discovered that its jaw had fallen off during the performance, HAHA! I was too high on adrenaline to notice!

Oh, they of course executed Alice as well! I had been warned there might be blood, and there was. X) Unfortunately I had such a rubbish place that I almost missed the whole thing! I had a tent, a light pole, people and amps in the way, so I struggled to see. *sigh*
I saw two executors grabbing his arms and wrestling with him as someone brought the guillotine out on stage, but had one of the guitarists in the way.
One funny thing was the loud *GAAASP*’s you could hear from people when the guillotine fell…
Sis’ boyfriend later told me (with very big eyes) that he’d had his eyes fixed on the head the whole time and had no idea how they did that. X’D Oh dear. Apparently they had pierced one of the guitarists with a stand as well (no clemmyjovi , not any mic stand. :B). I did miss that happening though, I was told that later by the youngsters who had better places than me. X)

Time went awfully fast, and suddenly they went off stage and came back for the encores. Alice wore this silvery jacket and hat, waving with a big Swedish flag. I thought I saw something blue and yellow beneath the jacket as well…As he got it off, I knew I had seen right; he wore a Swedish hockey shirt! I have to confess I got a bit patriotic there….Ahem. :P

Well, that was the last of the gig. He played approximately two hours, and we then hurried to the central station to say goodbye to sis and her boyfriend who were going to his place, and I and Sunnypoos got on the train back home.
I came back home here around 0:30, ate a bit and then collapsed in bed. Amazing gig, fantastic night with loads of fun! I realised how much I had missed it all, the fellowship between fans, the adrenaline, everything! I’ll live on this quite a while if I know myself right. :P

OK, hope you didn’t fall asleep halfway through…xD Here are some pictures as well, then I promise I'm finished!

That monster scared me, seriously x'D

concert, music

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