I hate resolutions, so I never make any. This allows me to neatly avoid the crushing disappointment that happens when I inevitably break them.
I am also not going to do a summary of 2010, beyond saying that it had relatively few highlights and some very, very crap bits. In general, I'm glad it's over and I'm in a much better position now than I was 12 months ago.
So what's the point of this, then? Well, I thought I'd make a list of what I have planned for this year, in no particular order. They're not resolutions, more like a list of things to structure my year around. Plus, I can mentally cross them off once I've done them - always good. Here we go:
- Go to the Isle of Wight festival - I've already bought a ticket, so this one's definitely happening. My plan is to head to the IoW a few days early to flee the wedding aftermath get a bit of beach and/or hiking in. Cue torrential rain for that week.
- Hike the Pembrokeshire Coast Path National Trail - I have a guide book and some enthusiasm, but not much else so far. Still, gotta love a National Trail that I can effectively do from home.
- Hike the Thames Path - this is another National Trail, almost exactly the same length as the PCP, but running over considerably more OS maps. It's also rather less hardcore than the PCP, but will require more planning of places to stay, etc. Still kind of undecided on this one, but it looks fun and I might do it at Easter.
- Organise my sister's hen party. Should be a challenge - I've never even been to a hen party before, let alone organised one.
- Go to Munich, just because. Might take my Mum when she comes over in a few months' time.
- Purchase and start learning to use a decent camera. I have my eye on this one, but haven't yet plucked up the courage to lay down the cash for it.
- Go see the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition (it's become an annual Thing) and War Horse (it looks AMAZING) in London. Possibly in conjunction with the Thames Path.
- Start painting again. It's been over a year now and I really should get back on that pony, if only so that I can clear a few surfaces of unpainted lead!
- Get to grips with that embryonic website of mine. It needs some serious TLC (and some decent coding).
That'll do for now. Anything else I think of, I'll edit in later.