Donettes with a side of sprouts

Jun 25, 2005 10:55

Last night I went to a party at a neighbor's house a couple of blocks away. (Someone said Julia Roberts lives on that block. I don't own a star map so I don't know.) Anyway, they live in the most gorgeous Arts & Crafts home. Seriously breathtaking. It's on one of the Venice "walk streets" -- these are streets that are more like sidewalks with the houses facing each other. There are alleys in the back of the houses -- which is where the garages are. It's so charming, walking down the walk streets, because there are no cars. Kids and animals can play outside and you don't have to worry about them getting run over.

Oh and Sarah brought my manuscript over. I had a dream that instead of printing it out, she had her coworkers at Fox paint each page in watercolor cartoons. I thought it was so sweet of her, such a thoughtful gesture. At the same time, I was wondering, "How am I gonna edit this?"

Today I'm obsessed with sprouting. At the garden store yesterday, I picked up a tabletop sprouter for $10. I couldn't believe it was only $10 so I snapped it up. All you do is you put the seeds in the sprouter, add water twice a day, and you get fresh sprouts within 2-5 days. I love sprouts in salads and on sandwiches. They actually make me want to eat salads. I think green salads are just so boring.

Most people associate sprouting with hippies. I guess it is a hippie thing to do. And most people only know about alfalfa sprouts. I think alfalfa sprouts are gross. I seriously hate them. They are one of the few foods I hate. However, sprouts, the ones other than alfalfa, are really yummy. There are lots of other kinds of sprouts: garbanzo, radish, sunflower, lentil, adzuki, etc. (None of the other kinds of sprouts have that dirty taste that alfalfa sprouts have. Why alfalfa sprouts are the most popular sprout is truly beyond me.)

The other thing about sprouts is they are really good for you. Enzymes are what the body needs in order to properly digest food. However, because we eat so much cooked and overly-processed food, we tend to not get enough enzymes. Which causes poor digestion, which causes all kinds of problems. I've read that the key to good health and looking young is proper digestion. I've seen it in action, too. I have watched people drop 10-20 years just by changing their diets. One woman I know lost her gut and the bags under her eyes. They just disappeared.

This is not to say that I am going to stop eating powdered sugar Donettes and McDonald's cheeseburgers. I'm just going to put sprouts on those things.

I think I'm gonna go to Whole Foods now, and get a shot of wheatgrass.

Ha. I just thought of that scene in Annie Hall where Alvy is in some restaurant in LA and orders "alfafa sprouts and a plate of mashed yeast". Maybe it is LA that is doing this to me. The next thing you know, I'll be hiking (just shoot me).

PS: Jeffrey, I'm glad you are coming to LA at the height of your salad kick, now that I'm just starting on my sprouting kick.

la, sarah, jeffrey, gardening, food, celebritites

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