Everything good for you is bad for you. Everything bad for you is good for you.
Butter is good.
Butter is BAD!
Margarine is good!
Margarine is BAD!
Butter is good again!
Milk is good.
Milk is BAD!
Soy milk is good!
Soy milk is BAD!
Milk is good again! (raw milk, that is)
Why is this happening? Why do the medical/nutrition/food industries keep changing their minds about what we should be eating?
Could it be... money? Prestige? Corruption?
Sigh. Same old story. That story is called Money Makes the World Go 'Round.
Ask yourself this question: What's cheaper to produce than butter?
How about "vegetable oil" and "margarine" (made from cheap industrial corn and soy)?
Cheaper and "healthier" (???).
Healthier only because certain scientists did research that showed that it was healthier. If you watch the video below, you'll see that the research was flawed.
The good news is -- you can eat butter again. (Make it raw butter if you can. It's better for you.)
And if you're still scared to eat butter, remember -- Julia Child was a big advocate of saturated fat... butter, heavy cream, foie gras. She ate that kind of stuff all the time.
In fact, my favorite quote from Julia Child was from an episode of one of her TV shows. She said (paraphrase), "If you're worried that there's too much butter in this recipe, you don't have to use this much butter -- you can substitute with cream."
And how did she die? Heart disease? Diabetes? Stroke?
None of the above.
She died in her sleep, aged 91.
This is an clip from a new movie coming out, a documentary called Fat Head that is a response to Morgan Spurlock's "Super Size Me". I'm looking forward to seeing it!
Click to view
I'll leave you with this... did you know that breast milk is over 50% fat, much of it cholesterol? It has the highest percentage of cholesterol of any food (according to Dr. Mary Enig
If breast milk is so good for you, and it's chock full of cholesterol and saturated fat, how can those things be bad?