I got chewed out by the pediatrician today for telling her that I wanted to postpone Kate's vaccinations. She lectured me for what felt like an hour (but was probably 10-15 minutes). Then she made me sign a document that basically said that I am choosing not to vaccinate and that recognize all the DANGERS of not vaccinating.
Jeez. What's the big deal anyway? She was so worried that Kate would get whooping cough. She acted like I was beating Kate. I was honestly stunned -- because I never said I wasn't going to vaccinate -- I just said that I wanted to wait while we did some more research. Why was I made to feel like a child abuser? I'm a good mother!
Look at this:
http://www.vaclib.org/intro/present/index.htm#8 They say on this website (
http://www.vaclib.org/intro/present/index3.htm) that for diseases other than smallpox, 90% of the decline of mortality occurred BEFORE THE VACCINE WAS INTRODUCED.
Huh? What?
Just look at the graphs on this page:
http://www.vaclib.org/intro/present/index.htm#8 The vaccine for whooping cough was introduced in the 1940s -- look how low the mortality rate was by then.
What's this about?
They say on this website (and others) that it's SANITATION that is responsible for the decline of morality from diseases like whooping cough and measles and diptheria.
"...the largest historical decrease in morbidity and mortality caused by infectious disease was experienced not with the modern antibiotic and vaccine era, but after the introduction of clean water and effective sewer systems."[5] (
So WHY does the medical establishment care so much about whether or not we get our children vaccinated? Why are we being harassed by our doctors?
Because the pharmaceutical companies brainwash the doctors into pushing these drugs. Because the pharmaceutical companies want to make money.
We also highly recommend David D. Kirkpatrick's article entitled "Selling Happiness" in the May 15, 2000 issue of New York Magazine. Mr. Kirkpatrick has certainly done his homework and everyone taking a relatively new prescription drug of any kind would be well served by reading this captivating expose of an industry practice that uses "free gifts, dinners, propaganda and research funds" to "capture the minds of doctors". There can bee little doubt, if any, that an industry that commands an army of 68,000 sales representatives and spends $9 Billion dollars on marketing to its target audience ($12,000 for each doctor in the U.S.), wants (and gets) much more than just name recognition. In fact, many suspect that the degree to which many doctors now fund themselves influenced by this highly questionable practice borders on the unethical. (
Here's another article on money/marketing and vaccines:
http://vaccineawakening.blogspot.com/2007/11/canadians-follow-gardasil-money-trail.html Did you know that China had no Autism until 1999 when the DPT vaccine arrived from America? Now they have 1.8 million autistic children.
Japan had their first Autistic children appear when vaccines arrived from America after WWII. They quickly learned babies lacking Myelin Sheath, and they realized to wait 2 years. Vaccination very unpopular, so it's all voluntary.
(Both of those quotes are from this site:
And you must read this:
http://www.trackingvaccinations.com/allfiles/about.htm And here's something about how there are almost no autistic Amish children (most Amish do not vaccinate):
http://www.venusproject.com/ethics_in_action/Children_Autism.html I could keep posting links and quotes for hours. There's so much information out there.
My question is: How can I vaccinate my baby with a good conscience with all of this information out there?
I can't. So I'm not. Until someone shows me data that proves me wrong.
We're talking LOGIC here. Facts. I'll happily do it if someone can show me why I should. If someone can simply show me that the benefits outweigh the risks. I have not yet seen that to be true.