Oh happy day!

Sep 17, 2005 08:10

Today's going to be a great day. I was sick all week with a stomach flu, but I started feeling better yesterday. It's a brisk fall day and I'm all excited to do a million things today -- do some weeding and harvesting in the garden, wash my dog, clean my car, catch up on some work at the office, do laundry and housekeeping. I know, that doesn't sound very exciting, but I was so sick all week, I was immobilized. It's good to drink coffee again and to have energy.

Plus tomorrow I'm working setting up a booth at a conference, and tomorrow night we have some Emmy viewing party I have to attend for work. So today I gotta pack it in. Speaking of that Emmy party -- no idea what I'm gonna wear. I think it's cocktail attire. I guess I need to do a little shopping.

Regarding my blog, I'm not going to be doing any more author interviews after this last one I'm about to do. It's not because I don't enjoy doing them, but rather because I just don't have the time to do it anymore and my career aspirations have changed temporarily. I want to focus on the internet boom over this next couple of years. I can go back to writing novels when I'm raising my family a few years down the road. I have so much life and so many years ahead of me to accomplish all the things I want -- I don't need to rush. I guess that's why I'm feeling so excited. I see the future as a blank canvas holding the possibilities of so many fun things I'm going to create.

Life is long and anything is possible. You really can do anything you want if you are determined. I am so inspired by people like Martha Stewart and Lance Armstrong and Oprah Winfrey -- people who have been through hell and have stayed true to their vision and created amazing things. I sometimes wonder if I can create the things I want to create in my life. I wonder if I have what it takes. I think of these people and I realize that I am just like them, and that I can do anything.

I was just watching a 20/20 segment about New Orleans. Wynton Marsalis went back home, not to mourn, but to begin the process of rebirth. While there, he met a man, Joseph Nathan Glover, who was standing all alone in the street sweeping. He had refused the order to evacuate.

Marsalis asked him, "You don't feel like it's useless to be out here doing this kind of stuff, in the midst of all this destruction and stuff?"

Glover said, "Well, we gotta start somewhere. So let's start cleaning it up. Then we'll start building it up."

Marsalis nodded and smiled. "Yes, sir." Then he said to the 20/20 reporter, "You see what I'm saying? That's it!"

The reporter then said to Glover, "So you have hope in the middle of all this, huh?"

Glover said, beaming, "Do I have hope? This is my home. This is all that I have. This is all that I know. Without hope, there is nothing really."

New Orleans is one of the greatest cities in America and in the world. The birthplace of jazz, the birthplace of the cocktail ... the birthplace of food unique to all the world. Wynton Marsalis envisions this tragedy as an opportunity to rebuild the city -- to go beyond the "frathouse low-level" and rebuild it in the spirit of its "grandest days".

I feel so lucky and grateful to have had the opportunity to see New Orleans before the hurricane. I only visited twice, but both times were filled with art and music and wonderful food and beloved friends. My first visit was with my Aunt Jennifer who died a year later. I have such good memories of that trip. I share Wynton Marsalis's optimistic vision for the future of New Orleans. We can rebuild it into an even greater city. You know, it's interesting because, for such a world-class city, it has always been very impoverished. I am hoping the hurricane will help funnel lots and lots of money to build it up in the manner it deserves.

Read the story here: http://abcnews.go.com/2020/HurricaneKatrina/story?id=1133517&page=1

Another note about my blog, after this last author interview, I'm going friends only. What this means is you will have to sign up to be a friend on Live Journal in order to read it (Uncle Roy, I will email you with instructions).

I am doing this for 2 reasons. (1) As I said, I am not focusing on my writing for a while. A lot of what I will be posting on my blog will be ideas related to business, so I'd rather keep it just among friends. (2) I happened to check my web stats again this week and I found out my ex-boyfriend has been regularly reading my blog. It's been 2 monhts since I looked at those stats and I was very surprised to see this. Needless to say, it really creeps me out. The intimate details of my life are none of his damn business. He lost that right when he dumped me. Why he still feels the need to know is beyond me. So after this last author interview, it's friends only.

Now, on to that author interview -- and then all the things I have to do!

optimism, news

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