Title: A Little Support
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Characters: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard
A/N: For the prompt, "any bad ass trans character (or non-binary, doesn't matter if it's canon or not) + any, they break their arm and, "Help me get this stupid binder on!""
"Meredith McKay," John says while he stares at the binder.
"Yes, yes," Rodney says, and waves his hand as if to brush away John's questions. "Merideth Rodney McKay. Smartest man in two galaxies, also - hello? - broken arm and can't dress myself." He harumphs discontentedly and tries to yank the binder away from John, broken arm awkwardly pinning the towel on his chest in place. "If it's too difficult for you to help me get this stupid binder on I can always radio Ronon."
John manages to grab the edge of the binder and yank it back. "What? No. I'll help, I just..."
Oh god. He's getting the constipated look on his face that means some kind of heartfelt comment is imminent. The last thing Rodney wants to do right now is hear all about acceptance and team-as-family-for-life. He just needs John to put his binder on and get out because Rodney has been kept out of his labs for a week and Zelenka's probably burned it all down by now.
Rodney's thoughts fly at the speed of light; the plan flashes through his mind and nearly instantaneously he rips off his towel and turns around. "Great!"
Behind him, John chokes in surprise. Rodney knew boobs were the way to shut him up. He's awkward, and fumbles with it more than a bit, but Rodney's only partially red-faced and mussed by the time he's dressed.
He shoves John out the door - "Go and punch Ronon or count P90s or whatever it is you do" - and heads for his lab, glad the bounce on his chest is back to its normal levels.