...and because I haven't done a meme in ages!
Comment with a fandom (or multiple fandoms) and I'll tell you:
❤ male:
❤ female:
✖ least favorite:
✔ who resembles me:
❤ most attractive:
❤ three more characters that I like:
Also: any Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective fans in da house? I set up the kink meme today at
ghost_junkyard, so if you're interested, join up,
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Persona 3
❤ male: I LOVE EVERYONE Akihiko, probably. Junpei is a pretty close second though, he's just so funny.
❤ female: EVERYONE AGAIN Probably Yukari or Mitsuru. I really like how they were written and how they became friends over the course of the game despite having a rocky start. Not sure which one I'd pick over the other.
✖ least favorite: I could never really stand Bebe and was never able to finish his S.Link either time I played through the Journey D:
✔ who resembles me: Probably Maiko, or Fuuka.
❤ most attractive: Mitsuru or Akihiko. Probably Mitsuru. Elizabeth is damn fine too.
❤ three more characters that I like: Theo, Koromaru, Aigis and Shinjiro and Ryoji and Ken andtanakaandchihiroandkenji...
And for Persona 4:
(note, I'm still not finished with the game, so this may change~)
❤ male: I really, really really love Yosuke :D Like... seriously.
❤ female: Gotta go with Chie! She's just so damn hilarious. I am really liking Rise, too, though.
✖ least favorite: I kind of hate Teddie, but even he is growing on me a little bit... he's just so obnoxious, though, urgh D: I'm also not a huge fan of Margaret, but that's just because I really miss Elizabeth/Theo a lot.
✔ who resembles me: Physically, definitely Yukiko. Personality-wise...maybe Chie. I see a little bit of Rise in myself too. And just a dash of Nanako.
❤ most attractive: Not really sure D: Rise is pretty sexy. And Naoto, too.
❤ three more characters that I like: I really like the young mother character from the job at the daycare center :D I forget her name though... and um, also Dojima (his S.Link is awesome so far!) and Kanji, because he's so LOL-worthy :D
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