where all dogs go

Nov 15, 2010 03:18

My dog, Rozz, passed away this weekend.

He was already sick, and has been for a long time (diabetes), but on Thursday his condition became notably worse. He couldn't walk or get up on his own, and he wouldn't eat and would barely drink. So um, I guess I kind of could tell it was coming...but overall it was just a really horrible experience and I really miss him dearly.

I would've given anything--anything to have been able to take him to the vet, but we just didn't have the money. And I have a feeling they would've had us put him down, anyway, so I really don't think there was much more I could've done for him. :( I still feel so guilty though. I wish things hard turned out different.

So now I just have one dog, Sparky, who's probably really lonely without his friend. I've been trying to hang out with him more, and he seems all right. But I still worry.

It was also Anime USA this weekend, but sadly, I don't really have a lot of cosplay pics to post, since my camera was full and I was too distracted by what happened to care. I might do a post anyway, if I feel so inclined, but sadly I have a host of other things to worry about first (all school-related).

Yeah, 'cause that's definitely what I want to be thinking about right now >_>

fml, conventions

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