Mar 17, 2011 20:14
For some reason, I feel red these days. I'm still blue at my core, I just sort of connect to red lately. Red and hotpink (that's that sort-of-red kind of pink) seem to be surrounding me. Well, not the actual colours, but more likely their energy.
Hotpink means wisdom to me. It's also the top chakra, located on top of the head, so that's probably why I associate it with wisdom.
Light blue means freedom to me.
I feel like my entire being is pulsating between skyblue and hotpink.
If I'm Skyblue, that's when I'm creative. My spirit is set free to express itself, through art, music, writing, whatever.
When I'm Hotpink, I'm a fountain of wisdom. That's when epiphanies come to me.
Right now, I really feel Hotpink. ..and I think I really really like it. I always liked pink, but more subtle and softer shades of it. This is scarlet, a very loud and almost violent shade of pink. I'm breaking free, and I'll bloody well show it, too! fact, if you look really well, the "red" in the background isn't actually red! It's #FF0007. Red is #FF0000. So it's got a TINY bit of blue in it, making it Scarlet, and not Red. Ha.
I wonder if it has anything to do with Dominiq popping up in people's dreams, or with the fact that Kiddo's showing up in mine?