May 30, 2009 05:14
Dispatch from the Comfy Chair!
Seven weeks since I last updated this LJ? It can't be. But, that's what it says when I log in. Where has the time gone?
Today is Starbucks Day. I haven't been to Starbucks in ages. Seven weeks, exactly. Just kidding. I've been going to this little French café -- I sometimes go there in the morning to have my petit café and read when the place is empty. There's always a crowd at the bar in the back. It's wonderful to hang out in cafés now that they've banned smoking. Before the law went into effect, the non-smoking area consisted of one table in the corner near the kitchen door.
My canary died sometime during the night. I just noticed a while ago. I didn't hear him moving around the cage like he usually does, cheeping and hopping. Sad. He was kind of scruffy with old age but he did sing a few good songs.
I acquired two diamond doves, Colombo and Dr. Carter. They're in a cage in my office. I'm planning to move them outside in an aviary for the summer, as soon as it warms up. I already have two aviaries (is that a word or am I mixing French and English?). My neighbors love me. Anyway, at the first light of dawn, my doves start hoo-hooing happily! To me, it's beautiful, but my family hates me.
I'm still getting up at four (not on purpose) and writing. Needless to say, I'm getting a lot done! I've tried melatonin but it doesn't work. Sleeping pills work ... but I get up at five feeling groggy. I guess I'm just one of those annoying people who get by on little sleep.
My broken toe has healed nicely, considering that I never went to the doctor and continued to dance on it despite the searing pain. It feels like it's straight. Well, in truth, none of my toes is really straight. My feet are so ugly they'd scare your pants off.
Must away, time for café! I will try to post more often.
“The best cure for insomnia is to get a lot of sleep.”
W. C. Fields