Oct 21, 2004 15:10
I am so happy today and I have no clue why!
This is like the best day ive had this month! now that im no longer in ISS {FREEDOM!}and oss i can see my friends again.
My ex is goin out wit Sofi-grrrr.........She was suppose to be my friend! She knew how I felt about him, but thats okay, Ill be fine, i always is. That is just not tha bizness!
Tommorow for chemistry we have mole day! That shall be fun.......i just hope it aint all muddy and yucky cuz otherwise i aint wit it. NU-UH!
Gosh I dont have no date to homecoming now! I feel sooo lonely :-( maybe i should go wit my dog-hahaha NO! This is booji, oh well......im sure ill find somebody.
Well I need to get my homework done so i'll write back sometime later
*-*Alicia Maria*-*