Ladies and Maids

Apr 23, 2012 11:34

Title: Ladies and Maids
Fandom: Downton Abbey
Rating/Genre: g/gen
Characters/Pairing: Sarah O’Brien, Gwen; implied Gwen/Sybil and (unrequited) Sarah/Cora
Summary: Sarah tries to give Gwen a word of advice
Word count: 222
Spoilers/Warnings: No.
Prompt: #5 The Bitter Love (Lesbian Pulp Fiction Titles) at femslash100.

”A word of advice,” she says, and Gwen turns around, startled.

Sarah beckons her closer, away from the doorway, and the maid follows rather unwillingly.

“A young lady like her”, Sarah says coldly, “doesn’t usually get friendly with people like you.”

Gwen stares at her.

“Don’t get your hopes up too high, that’s all I’m saying.”

Suddenly there’s a sparkle in Gwen’s eyes and she no longer looks intimidated.

“You don’t know anything about Lady Sybil, Miss O’Brien!”

Sarah suppresses a sigh. Gwen is too naïve, she can’t see that nothing good can ever come of it. Life is not a fairytale. That’s something she knows for sure.

“Look,” she says and doesn’t do a good job trying to sound comforting, “I’m just saying that you’d be better off with someone like you.”

Gwen snorts quite haughtily, “Mind your own business”, she says and walks away, and Sarah is glad that no one was there to see that she didn’t get the last word. Gwen didn’t take her advice. She probably didn’t even understand it.

But why should I care? she asks herself. She doesn’t have an answer.

She just knows that it’s bad enough when a foolish maid falls for the lord of the house. The heartache when one falls in love with a lady is worse, and that is something O’Brien wouldn’t wish her worst enemy.

!fanfic, series: downton pulp fiction drabbles, *fandom: downton abbey, genre: ust or one-sided, length: drabble, character: sarah o'brien

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