Title: Cruel Nature
Fandom: Heroes
Rating/Genre: g/gen (angst? hurt/comfort).
Characters/Pairing: adult!Molly Walker/adult!Micah Sanders, Mohinder Suresh(/Matt Parkman).
Summary: Molly wants to get pregnant, something that isn’t as easy as it may sound like, and she talks to Mohinder about it.
Word count: 2 494
Spoilers/Warnings: No.
Notes: Based
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Well, no, not exactly any fluff… I have a couple of fics still unposted: Noah/Angela, not fluffy but nothing too ”explicit” either… young!Angela/Adam, friendship but not pure fluff, and Peter & Noah/Angela, still not fluffy (but “not fluffy” doesn’t have to mean dark angst!), and I’m still working on my The Graduate/The Devil Wears Prada xover which is not fluff (I don’t expect you to read it!), and I have a short 8 femmes oneshot not at all fluffy (again not your fandom I believe!). Hmm, that’s all, I think. I try not to post too often because I want to give the few people who read the time to do so…
Then this “kink meme” gives me things to do! I’m working on a prompt now that involves Mohinder, Chandra and the words “sick and twisted.” Yes, you heard me… ;) Oh, I don’t expect to do it justice but something made me want to try.
But I’m thinking about writing a fluffy, or at least a romantic, DWP fic involving an owl somehow. I have an LJ friend who likes owls. But for Heroes, no. I’ll say what you said: give me a prompt if you want it! ;)
And for you, well, thinking of prompts is not my strong suit, honestly! But I know you have it in you to write fluffy fic ;), so let’s see… Why don’t you take any characters/pairing of your choice and let one of them play the piano, something the other one admires very much. It can be a dark and stormy November night and maybe the music comes as an unexpected, comforting surprise in this dark weather. (The surrounding circumstances could be something angsty.) It doesn’t have to be romantic. But I don't mind if it is, there's something irresistible about piano playing women people. (But feel free to take a violin or whatever you like. Oh, I once read a super cute Matt/Mo AU where one of them had a rock band!)
Was that a bad, impossible prompt? If so, you could try those MMMMJJ again and let the kids talk their parents into getting them a dog or a cat or a parrot (something softer and cuter than a lizard). That would be fluffy! :D
Gwah~ you named a bunch of het couples! Ewwww! *shakes off the pall of heterosexuality and hides under my rock* I'm sorry, but I just can't read those! I'd die! From shame! From...from a lack of slash!! (Hahaha, and no, 8 Femmes, The Graduate, and The Devil Wears Prada are not fandoms I've ever thought to dwell on. Considering I've never seen any of them, except I TRIED (/FAILED) to watch The Devil/Prada once. I've only ever heard of 8 Femmes on your journal-- French, was it? What's it about? Besides the title.)
Mohinder/Chandra, sick and twisted. Sounds like something suitably fluffy to me! :D
DWP...? ....With an owl???.... What does DWP mean, and please don't say its a synonym for PWP!!?
That prompt is neither impossible nor bad. I've got an idea already, though it's either going to turn out as a magic orgy or a gen fic-- could be either, honestly.
Back to how I started my post... ILIKELIZARDS! T.T And snakes, they're so snuggly... The little ones are not afraid of anything, but the giant ones get afraid of the slightest thing and cuddle in close for body heat...
As for a prompt for you... *grins evilly* Hesam/Sylar OR Peter/Luke, "Love thy enemy, love thy rival."
Too evil?
Um, I'm obviously into The Devil Wears Prada (which my lazy fingers shortens to DWP... that other thing, PWP, is not something that comes very natural to me...) for femslash reasons. It's totally understandable that you only tried and failed to watch it because in all honesty, the movie itself is full of crap in many ways. (Some fangirls think it's the most awesome ever but I don't go that far.) Yes, but the fanfic is something else, it obviously surpasses the movie (imo). When I watched it I was like "???" for a long time but then I was drawn in to the point of being utterly surprised by the ending until I realized that the ending and the things that upset me a bit were supposed to be logical in most ppl's eyes and I had "misinterpreted" the whole thing. In other words, I watched it with my femslash glasses on and then I became a fanfic reader! I guess Miranda gives you the urge to go boxing so I'll say no more about it. ;)
8 femmes, yes, it's a French movie. A very slashable movie, too! (It's even canon, partly!) It's sort of a comedy-murder mystery-musical. (It's not really a musical because each of the 8 actresses only sing one song.) It takes place in the 50's, the daugther of the house comes home for Christmas only to find that her father has been stabbed to death... The women (two girls, their mother, aunt and grandmother, the cook and the maid, and later the dead guy's sister *points to icon*) are trying to figure out who killed him. It's fun if you ask me... boring and silly if you ask my sisters... uninteresting except for Catherine Deneuve's parts if you ask some fangirls I know... I fell head over heals for Fanny Ardant who plays the dead guy's sister when I watched it.
And now I'm going to turn off the computer very soon and go to bed with my French history book...
Oh! DWP+owl is much less creepy now. XD Nah, Miranda doesn't spark any boxing urge in me. I kinda liked her, from what I remember. I think that I didn't like the main character chick very much, because she began so weak. Without Miranda she wasn't much of anything... Or rather, she was built by the people around her. I don't remember very much of the film though, that's just my general impression of it.
8 Femmes sounds awesome!! I wish I could watch it. It's only available translated here, and there's no way I'm watching it in English. Eight women and a murder mystery comedy with character songs...
You have no idea how much money I would give to just look through your movie collection right now.
~Keikkun is tired
she babysits currently
(hiding her fanfic
behind multiple Wikipedia entries)
and laughs when
the power goes out~
...I'm bored. xD
Yes, I believe so. Now that I think about it, she's rather... re-buildable! Miranda in fanfic is always more or less the same but Andy can vary a lot more depending on the writer. Sometimes I've seen fics where the writers has warned that now this is a fic where Miranda is a little bit OC but I've never seen any such warnings about Andy, and that must mean that people are more tolerant about different opinions about what's "in character" for her. Interesting...
Oh, that's too bad! Only available translated! :( I accidently bougth a French movie imported from the US (the website info was wrong, it said the DVD had French audio and English subtitles!) and it was very... disturbing... to hear Fanny Ardant and Gerard Depardieu speak with American voices. (We don't do that here.) But I hope you can find it somewhere some time with subtitles. (I even thought about copying mine for you but my DVD only has the Scandinavian languages! I wish all DVD's had subtitles in the original language, sometimes they have but mostly not.)
I wonder if you'd find anything you liked in my DVD collection! (More than Heroes season 1-3 so far, but you don't need that...) It's not a very big collection and your first impression would be that it is a very French one (but not exclusively), then you'd realize it's mostly because of Fanny Ardant (which also explains the presence of Italian and Spanish movies). And what else is there... Things like a Greta Garbo box, Twin Peaks, Sound of Music, The Hours, three seasons of The L-Word...... And what do you have?
Dubbing is one of my most hated peeves. Sometimes it is done so well (Cowboy Bebop) that I forget how often it has been done horribly (Pokemon S4+) and I slip up and watch a dub...and then I cry inside. Dubbing is EVIL. I learned Japanese rather than submit myself to more poorly done English dubs.
I often find myself watching movies that aren't in English and don't have subtitles. I do it intentionally if I intend to learn a language; What better way to learn that force yourself to be exposed to it without a safety net?
I imagine you'd have a heart attack if you saw my movie collection. For that, I'm mentally including my digital-only stuff; Let's just say man on man is my natural state of entertainment. *giggles*
For the DVDs and movies I own, they're random. The bulk are anime - half of which I've never seen and the other half I've memorized. The live action movies are wildly varied: Clerks, Lord of the Dance, Saw... I can't remember them all at the moment. I'll write up the list once I get home! :D
I've heard of Greto Garbo. Who is that?? o.o Never heard of Twin Peaks or The Hours, though I've heard of (never seen) The L-Word.
*teehee* I could watch the Italian movies in your collection! Without subtitles, though they'd be preferred... but Italian is fun!
(I got four hours of sleep again. I'm really going to sleep tonight, for real, a full 8 hours. Promise.)
I like the movie because I like the book because I love Virginia Woolf. And because it’s a really good book. And movie.
I rarely watch un-subtitled movies in languages I don’t understand, except French (because my listening comprehension could be better!! I have several without subtitles, it’s very good practice). once I watched a movie that was very difficult to understand because it was very dialogue- based, but I thought I got the gist of it. Then as I looked it up I found that I had misinterpreted the whole thing! *lol* My Italian Fanny movies are with subtitles except one… but luckily my LJ friend could help me with the things I didn’t understand! (But I did understand some of it.) I also have one in Hebrew/French, I haven’t watched it yet because I’m afraid I will have problems understanding it. ;)
Let’s see, do I know any Swedish man on man movies?... I remember watching “När alla vet” (international title “Sebastian”) some time in high school; a YA coming out story… I don’t remember much about it at all. And maybe “Tillsammans” (“Together”), drama/comedy from 2000. And then there’s one movie made recently that I haven’t watched about two gay male politicians, I believe it’s a comedy. Hm, is that all? Maybe not, but that’s the end of my poor knowledge. I’m also terribly ignorant about anime and all things Japanese except Haruki Murakami…
I also have Dogma and Kill Bill! <3 those movies, hehehe. I have Silence of the Lambs, Heathers, The First Wives, and Saw II -- all of which I have not seen. They're on VHS (The Saw series and Kill Bill are miraculously on DVD). And that's all of the live action movies I own XD Nine movies total, and I have only seen four of them.
*giggles* I just realized, you and I could have an international movie night!!!!!!
I watched a movie during Mediterranean Club that was entirely in Italian and French. For some reason, I couldn't understand any of the men xD Too bad the men carried the plot! I was completely clueless as to what the political side of the movie was all about! And in a film about three politicians and their families....Yeah. xD I failed.
Nar alla vet and Tillsammans.... are now both on my Netflix list! :D It'll take three or four days for each to arrive.
Haruki Murakami is something/someone I've never heard of before! :) I'm not very well versed in the mainstream or popular animes. Most of my collection have been chosen because they were cheap, entertaining, and available at my store -- or by popular vote.
Except for the anime I watched when I was young! Cowboy Bebop is absolutely amazing; Murder, betrayal, absolute loyalty, reasonable futuristic technology, unconventional love stories, a series of tragic pasts, amazing plot, and the music makes me melt-- even though its JAZZ! Oh, Cowboy Bebop <3
I bought three anime for myself because I had seen them, fallen in love, and couldn't live without them: Trigun (for amazing plot and humor), Saiyuki (for slash, plot, and trauma), and GetBackers (for humor, plot, and slash!). Of them all only GetBackers is fluffy; The main character, Amano Ginji, is ADORABLE. He goes into chibi mode and is slashable with every single character, no exceptions, because he's amazing. I love Ginji like no tomorrow! He's the cutest, snuggliest, softest little guy you'll ever see: On the flip side, his back story is one of the most tragic and angsty. <3 PLOT but mostly humor and love.
~Keikkun is rested!~
Ha ha, yes, maybe it’s best to go to a bookstore, you wouldn’t want to accidentally order a Finnish translation or something! ;) So what do you like to read? Haruki Murakami is a Japanese author who writes sort of “magical realism”; very strange things can happen but it’s written in a way that makes it believable. (I’ve only read two of his books, “Kafka on the shore” and “Sputnik Sweetheart”, these and many others are translated to English.)
Hm, did you look up those titles on imdb or something before you put them on your Netfix list? Because I can’t guarantee you’ll find them any good, it was many years ago since I watched “När alla vet”… I did like “Tillsammans”, though. (The director has also made “Fucking Åmål” [International title “Show Me Love”, 1998], about a lonely girl in a small town who falls in love with another girl who is bored with life and is the most popular girl at the school… It became a huge success when it came out.)
I have a friend who is very much into anime and Japan and I’ve often thought I should try something but… Now I’ve put “GetBackers” on my list to start with! I know about those movies you mention except "Heathers", but I’ve only seen “Silence of the Lambs”.
“Even though it’s JAZZ”, haha, okay… I like jazz, well, some of it sometimes; not to the point of actually knowing anything about it or having a defined taste… ;)
And I’m glad you slept, I think it’s good for you to do that sometimes. ;)
I like all sorts of novels, really. I'm not very picky as long as the story doesn't inherently look down on its audience; Most stories I've ever read that center around school life do that, which is a true shame. I prefer to read fantasy and especially fictional stories. Non-fiction has a tendency to either be too factual (rendering it more like a text book than a novel) or it becomes easily dated, with its concept and value systems no longer applicable to the present day.
I liked Shakespeare and Oscar Wilde: I disliked Charles Dickens. For some reason most stories with princesses have something that irk me, but I can usually enjoy the story as a whole.
What about you? :D
Hmm, nope, I've never heard of those titles either. I am very picky with the stories I read in/from Japanese, because I'm not fluent yet and I hate poor translations. My favorite is Kyo Ka Sui Getsu, and it was actually co-authored and illustrated by Minekura Kazuya, the artist for Saiyuki (*points at my movie collection*).
The story of Kyo Ka Sui Getsu - Mirror Flower Water Moon - is a brilliant tale about... well... loss. The title comes from a concept of necessary fragility: The mirror's image is not reality, the flower's beauty does not last, the water cannot soothe the soul, and the moon will always be out of reach - and yet each are perfect as they are. The main characters follow the same pattern. They are broken men with so much pain in their souls that they will *NEVER* recover from it...and yet, in each other they find a reason to continue their loveless journey. They fight for their right to live, even after they've long since given up on ever being worthy of their lives.
I never was able to find the whole book available in America D: but Kyo Ka Sui Getsu is kind of a prologue to the Saiyuki stories, so the Saiyuki manga ties in a LOT of the back story. <3 It's so amazing.
The character most defined by the Kyo Ka Sui Getsu concept is Hakkai, and he is easily my favorite character of all time in any story. I've been told by many people that Hakkai and I have many parallels in our lifestyles, choices, and personalities - I'm not sure if I should take it as an insult or not, but I love Hakkai too much to care. He's broken and beautiful. <3
Teehee, yes, I looked up the stories before I added them to my queue. ^^ Both sound very interesting, and I'm looking forward to watching them. Fucking Amal seems less my style, but I'll look at it once I've seen these two! ^^
*squees!!!!* I think you'll love GetBackers!! There's slash and - I believe - femslash, too. <.< It might be me reading in too deeply...but 95% of the characters are gay, bi, or questioning in my world!
Plus, there's a ton of really hot guys and one overly gratuitous lady. And I love them all! <3
Ahem. So. You might've noticed by now that I'm a *little* bit in love with GetBackers and Saiyuki.... Teehee~ <3
I slept 8 hours today! :D You weren't online this morning so I pouted a lot but I managed to start two more fics for you, though they're no where near presentable yet. ^^ Hopefully (but unlikely) I'll have one done by the time you read this!
~Keikkun is playing Mario with her kitten~
At the moment I’m reviewing “In the Kitchen” by Monika Ali, it’s a good one! Sometimes I get very nice surprises when I get books to review but mostly I get not so great ones by local writers who have published the books at their own expense; sometimes it’s painfully obvious that no editor has been anywhere near the manuscript before it got printed…
When I was a child I had a ghost story phase, and I loved time travel stories and fantasy of the kind where people travelled from this world to another, but I also adored old-fashioned girl stories like the series by Laura Ingalls Wilder and L.M. Montgomery and the likes… I guess that kind of books is what turned me into a hopeless romantic… ;) I was less interested in modern stories about “real life” of young people here and now… (Oh, I shouldn’t be thinking about books I used to read long ago, I could spend hours remembering my old favorites… I more or less lived at the library between the age of eleven to fifteen…)
Precog!dream fic. Next section stars someone you love and someone you don't. ^^ Have a guess?
The character you love and the character you don't duke it out. Musically.
Goodness graciousness, it's bed time now. *falls over*
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