Apr 15, 2005 23:12
my senioritis is so bad right now. I have written less than a paragragh for a 5-7 page research paper due today. Luckily i was off the hook for the hard copy until monday, but unfortunately my single (less than a) paragraph won't due for turnitin.com, so i'll just have to figure something out. Well I'm going to the JDRF gala tomorrow so i need to get a suit and be all snazzy and whatnot (not that i'm not already) and i need to do stupid crap work. My dad'll be picking me up early in the morn so i'm not gonna get much sleep again this night. Ah well. I guess i'm used to it now. I'm really hungry. and sore. and pained. and i have a headache. rawr. ok i'm done. i wasn't really complaining. just stating facts. ok then. i'm already basically asleep and have been all day so i think it's time for that action