3 pm: Husband leaves for Pittsburgh, for conference
5:30 p.m.: Email from troop co-leader, 15 minutes before we are supposed to meet at firehouse station for Girl Scout field trip: I've been throwing up all day; I'm sending my husband with the kids, good luck.
6:00 p.m.: While at firehouse, co-leader's daughter throws up. Husband leaves with both of their children after 15 minutes (daughter really didn't want to miss the tour). A quick shout-out to my town: Nearly everywhere I have gone is kid-friendly. No one batted an eye when the girl threw up last night, and the firefighters were very solicitous in not only cleaning up but making sure the girl was comfortable. TC has puked in the Barnes & Noble and gotten the same kindness.
9:30 p.m.: Stories read and both kids tucked into TC's bed.
3:00 a.m.: Son starts screaming about his stomach. Run to the room, nothing seems amiss, take him to the bathroom and he pees, then goes back to his room.
4:30 a.m.: Son wakes up puking. He hasn't thrown up since infancy, so is very scared at what's happening.
5:00 a.m.: Strip everything and start laundry; bathe son. TC informs me there is some spit up in her bed too. Order her on the floor in her sleeping bag.
6:00-6:30 a.m.: Son continues to puke, finally passes out in his sleeping bag in the bathroom, after telling me I am a good cleaner.
7:30 a.m.: Daughter wakes up with a bloody nose.
8:30 a.m. Son starts to have diarrhea. Went through two pairs of underwear before finally putting him in a pull-up. He is super-embarrassed, but keeping down pedialyte, Gatorade and pretzels so far.
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