Um, what?

May 04, 2005 12:38

So last night was Becky's birthday, and what a night it was!
We started prepartying at Melindas house around 7:30 and headed into the city at 9. The bus ride was so much fun - imagine 11 Americans drunk (and still drinking) in the back of the bus, there were these two elderly ladies at the front of the bus and I felt so bad for them, cause we were so loud and obnoxious. Ha. So after a long and gruelling busride to hammersmith, we all ran (literally) for the bathroom, where we had to pay 30p (or just jump over the gate as molly did) which was possibly the best pee of my life! Then we had to get on another bus to go to central London. Somehow we managed to get off the bus in the right place, god knows how, and went to Sports Cafe, for pound a pint... I bought Melinda a pint (cause Renee, Mel and I did quite a few vodka shots on the bus, not leaving them any, and it was their alcohol). Then I don't remember much, which I think is the first time I've ever been that drunk... I definately know that i was making out with one guy for most of the night... I remember that... I also remember Jesse and Mel making out... and Renee and her new friend, and who knows who else... then we had to find the bus... Jesse was probably the most sober, so he helped us all, then went to go get water and we got on the bus for the LONG ride home... I got home around 4, when Renee and I got off the bus, and I stumbled through unknown streets trying to find my way home, quite scary actually. Anyway, now I'm in that shaky, hungover/still drunk stage and I have to go to class in an hour... but it's all good cause I'm goign to a movie with Meghan tonight (Yay for Orange 2 for 1 Wednesdays!) Some people were talking about going to the disco, but I will not be drinking for quite some time... and I have to pack, I leave for Edinburgh at 4pm tomorrow! YAY!
K, goign to do something productive!
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