Jul 12, 2007 22:09
About two years ago, Wally and I bought a two-seater leather sofa at a discounted price. It was just the right size for our room (which is about as big as the interior of a mid-sized microwave oven) and we loved that it would allow us to watch bittorrents on his iMac with our feet up.
When we first saw it, it was in a sheltered but wall-less area of the furniture store, and the leather was lightly speckled with discolouration. We suspected that rain had been blown into the shelter and caused the discolouration, which in turn was the reason for the massive discount. We figured the damage was only cosmetic and decided to get it.
A few months later, we discovered mould growing on it. And since then, Wally has been waging a battle against an enemy that is mindlessly set on survival. When he nukes one side of the sofa with alcohol and shoe polish, fungus starts growing sneakily on the other side.
Today, he was on his knees rubbing down the surface of the sofa with Dettol, when he finally put down the rag and bottle and yelled in exasperation. "IN THE NAME OF JESUS, FUNGUS DIE!"
When he saw me smiling out the corner of his eye, he turned and eyeballed me. "You don't believe Jesus can kill fungus?"
"Oh no," I said, "He did kill that fig tree."