Things that bug me about the HP movies...

Jan 18, 2009 12:31

As some of you may know, I'm a HUGE Harry Potter fan. The books are the ultimate, but I do find myself watching the movies (especially OOTP) quite a lot on On Demand.

But right from the first viewing of OOTP there have been things that make me scratch my head.
  • The first and foremost was when the DA are at the Ministry in the Hall of Mysteries and Luna uses...Levicorpus? WHAT? Seriously? NO! BOOK 6 PEOPLE!
  • WHY is Hermione the one to introduce Luna to the rest of the group in the carriage? Did Steve Cloves write this script too? If so...not surprised.
  • I would have liked to see the St. Mungo's/Neville scene. Poor Neville. How I adore him.
  • Um, Bellatrix? Sirius? Avada Kedavra? How Which spell she used is not mentioned. Whatevs.
  • I would have liked an explanation as to why there is no Quidditch since Ron will be trying out in movie 6. DRIVES ME CRAZY!
Anyway, I'm sure there's more but it's home time. BE BACK LATER!

harry potter

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