I sense BADNESS for the boys. Dean and Sam are having a trust issue in that Dean is starting to NOT trust Sam. My heart? Breaking. I mean seriously...COME ON, SAM! Dean's there telling him allllll about Mary and how she was badass and all that jazz and oh, right...Sam knows about the demon blood. For, like, a year!
"I would hunt you" GAH! Oh man...that's some serious shit to be telling your brother that if he weren't your brother, you'd cut him and cut him good. Sam, PLEASE let Ruby go away and never darken your doorsteps again...PLEASE! Oh and please to get rid of Genevieve!Ruby. Me no likey. I'm sure she's fabulous in other roles, but a demon she is not. I miss Katie. COME BACK, KATIE! I'm sure Kripke can work some of his super duper mojo and bring her back somehow. Please? Oh and please no allusions to Sam tapping Genevieve!Ruby...please no. If Sam was tapping Katie!Ruby then...HOLLLLA!!! That would be hot. Mucho caliente.
And when Dean is telling Sam that Cas (giggle) said Dean had to stop Sam or he would...BAD TIMES! When formerly non-believer Dean says an Angel of the Lord is telling him to stop his own brother than somethings gotta give. I'm so scared for Sam. And Dean as well. Because you just know that if anything happened to Sam and Dean had to take him out like a wild dog, Dean would be destroyed to the power of a million. Yeah, you read that right...ONE MILLION! Perhaps infinity.
And, oh hey...that was kinda barfy! OMG SO GROSS. When Jack went all crazy like and ate Travis? Ummmm...bad times. And that fact that Sam and Dean couldn't even tell it was him made for not good times. Although I did giggle that Dean was bent over the table. Made for thoughts of the lusty variety My cousin was all 'HA! Jack wants to literally eat Dean's ass' and I said 'well...CAN YOU BLAME HIM?!'
Jensen owns my soul. Every week he proves his killer acting chops. Seriously, the boy needs an award. STAT! PRONTO! TONIGHT!
Jared...ROCK ON! His portrayal of Sam is DEAD ON and the slip into evil is terrifying.
Eric just owns me. ALL OF ME. If I ever met him, I'd bow down to him and maybe sneak off and make him cookies dipped in chocolate with a side of looooove.
can't wait for next week. And I know it's not just me, but isn't it great when Thursday rolls around and all is right with the world? You think 'it doesn't's Supernatural Day! DEANSAMOMG! WOOT!' Yeah. Another week until we feel that again.
Oh for Jensen here!
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