Apr 08, 2006 01:10
Saying goodbye to little Sphagnie is a very painful and emotional experience. Weeps.
Oh, pardon? Could you say that again? Fine. One more entry, only because your begging is so pathetically desperate. (Grins)
Imagine our Earth fifty years its senior. What do you see? Has it improved? Or is it utter chaos? Each of our answers differ. Some of our answers may be similar to that of others, while some answers, when compared, are worlds apart. However, what I am trying to imply here is that the world is composed of a profusion of different characters. With each of our characters is a mindset, a specific outlook. Food for thought: If we all thought the same way, would we advance? Would hindrance of foresight be an issue?
To support or oppose independence isn't an easy call to make. First of all, what is independence? What is it to you? Independence means to be free from control or dominance. The mere thought of independence can be a flow of energy throughout your body, exhausting, among many other things. Although, when independence is used in an extremist fashionis it still all right? Does the end EVER justify the means? Think of many situations where Machiavelli's quote can be applied, and trust me, there are many, many situations. What do you think now? Yes, independence should have its limits, and the privilege of independence (in some cases) should be used wisely.
Can you take the step to independence? Or will you forever depend on others?
We do not "fall in love." The phrase, in my opinion, is an erroneous one. Why? Because loving someone does not happen suddenly. Loving someone takes time. Love is a developed emotion. In fact, it is more than emotion. Whatever the case, love is how we get purpose and meaning into our lives.
Often, when people say they're "falling in love," it is accompanied by a constant obsession. This is definitely not love. Other times, people say they've fallen in love after SEEING a person for th first time. What they COULD consider is intense fascination at first sight, which can then turn into love. Or it can go famously, hideously wrong. It's a mystery to me.
Is honesty the best policy? Ideally, yes. Realistically, no. Sometimes, you have to tell people their haircut looks wonderful. Now, a question for you... Do you support white lies? I suggest you don't lie on this one.