You know, this sounds really mushy-gushy and New Agey, but hate is just such a pointless thing. People will do bad things, maybe even terrible things, but most of the time, the things they do are totally understandable, when you look at who that person is, their situation, their context. Everyone may not be created equal, but no one was ever
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I think it's true, hate is stupid and pointless... and human, nonetheless :)
I'm not sure I agree though with "most people are trying their best" - I think "most people are trying their best to *", where "*" could mean being successful, saving money, having nice houses, traveling, etc. However, someone trying hard to save money or become very successful will likely not be very engaged in helping others, for example. How many say they care/feel sorry about the starving kids in Africa? Probably almost everybody. How many do something about it?... Would the problem be greatly reduced if each person who claims to care would give $100 per month to those communities?
I think I read in some psych article that people try (in theory) to be good, and even when doing bad things (say stealing), they focus on the positive aspect - that it's good *for them*.
Does this make them a good person? I don't think so. Of course, realizing where they come from helps a lot to understand that person/situation. However, it doesn't mean I'll want to interact with them again.
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