Jun 24, 2008 22:51
It doesn't sound like a very admirable quality at first- after all, it's no 'trust' or 'honesty' or 'grace', but when I first meet a person, or even see them, what I look for is comfort.
Are they comfortable around everyone else? Are they comfortable around me? Do I feel comfortable around them?
I like when a person is- not a loudmouth- but able to say what they mean. I think perhaps it stems from the fact that I've always been a shy person, myself, and I'm growing each year, becoming more outgoing as I go, but having someone around who doesn't mind saying what they do, is wonderful.
Not only do I like when someone is comfortable around others, but when they feel comfortable around me and vice versa.
I like being able to go over to their house and do absolutely nothing, but feel happy nonetheless. I like sitting around with them and having both of us revel in the company rather than searching restlessly for something to do or say.
I like being able to be comfortable enough around someone to say anything, no matter how awkward, perverted, funny, silly, nonsense, or normal it is.
Comfort is what draws me in and Comfort is what seals the deal.
writer's block,