Two questions. /voice.

Nov 12, 2009 20:17

First, is there anywhere in Valora which is a place of worship, or can be used freely as such. I have duties I have gone too long without fulfilling and a private place to offer tributes is appreciated.

[Now his tone changes as he gets to the important matter. It's obvious from the sound of Rishfee's voice that he certainly isn't comfortable with disclosing the information which is pretty damn obvious by asking this question. He hesitates more than usual, and his voice takes a soft, uncertain tone. Additionally it's rather obvious just how young he is with this post. He sounds his age when he is speaking of things of importance to him.]

My second question... To anyone which can answer this, you have my gratitude.

If... someone is dead in their world...
If the war is won, and they are on the winning side..
Will they return as promised alive? ...Or will the life they feel here expire? Somehow, the dead have been revived here; taken from the void and returned. They do not rot as they walk upon this world. Would the re-animation carry over?

rishfee, country: valora

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