Apr 26, 2004 13:14
yeah well i got home like 30 mins ago... just been chillin with..Nicole..
well.. today in photography a guy from the hallmark institute for photography came to our class he was trying to get me to go. gave me all this info. sounds awesome... but i dunno.. its not a "career" says my mom .. i would love to go to art school...
anyways i gotta run nicoles getting spaztic lol
here another one of those quiz things
How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa Claus?
What is your favorite type of jelly bean?
What is your favorite childhood book?
What is your favorite computer game?
What is your favorite type of shoe ?
What is your favorite way to sleep ?
Who is better on “Blue’s Clues”- Joe or Steve?
What is your favorite store?:
Have you cried, or have your eyes watered today because you were upset ?
How many pillows do you sleep on?
What magazines do you subscribe to?:
Do you light candles often?:
Do you have a television in your room?:
Which is better: “Dora the Explorer” or “Bob the Builder”?:
Have you ever read any of the “Baby Sitter Club” books?:
How many books have you read in the past 2 weeks?:
Do you have your own phone line?
Do you hug and kiss your parents before you go to bed or before you leave?
Do you still listen to cassette tapes?
Can you drive?:
Did you ever watch “Saved By The Bell” or “Full House”?:
If yes from above, did you enjoy watching it/them?:
How many houses have you lived in in your lifetime?:
Have you ever broken or sprained anything on your body?:
If yes from above, what did you break/sprain?:
What is your favorite Mexican restaurant
Would you ever flash for beads?:
What’s your favorite junk food?:
Are you passing all your classes in school?:
Have you ever been arrested?:
Are you afraid of the dark?:
Do you know all the lines to at least one movie ?
What’s something you can sing without words or music playing along with you?
do you ever hit the snooze button on your alarm clock?:
How long does it take you to get ready for school/work?:
Are you clumsy or a klutz?:
Were/Are you scared of Chuckie in the “Child’s Play” movies?:
Are you confident with yourself?:
Have you ever been called a “prep”?:
How many pairs of shoes do you own?:
What is on the walls of your bedroom?:
How often is your bed made?:
Do you sleep with your feet under or outside the covers?:
How often do you change your bed sheets?:
Do you ever send letters/notes to people just to say hi?: