(no subject)

Aug 29, 2007 07:52

I'm wanting to run a fic challenge again, because I'm easy like that and I always forget how little response all my other challenges get (no matter what name I run them under, or what fandom they're in!). But I really want to do the "Ladies' Night at the Edge of the Universe" thing!

It would be a multifandom, crossover-friendly, het or femslash ficathon. (My subtitle wants to be "the 'get Elizabeth Weir laid' ficathon", but this would definitely not be limited to Elizabeth.) There would be a list of allowed scifi shows (maybe a few movies?)with some sort of alien or space slant - SG-1, SGA, Farscape, The X-Files, Earth 2, seaQuest, Space: Above and Beyond, Babylon 5, Contact to name some off the top of my head.

I just can't decide if I want to run it as a challenge, where you could sign up to write what you wanted, or if I want to have people submit a list of prompts or pairings they want to read and then I'll make a master list and folks can grab from that.

Hmm. More thought is required.

ladies night at the edge of the universe

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