Jan 31, 2008 13:24
Everyone is oohing and ahhing over him, and he loves the attention! I know we're in trouble when he gets older...
I'm trying to learn Java (again) - maybe re-learn is the term? It's been a little while since I plsyed in it (since briefly at Nationwide... and back in Urbana before that...) Of course, going to school full-time, and learn learn technology on the side is a little difficult.
Writing dring the day? I'm taking a personal day today - we had a dentist visit in the morning (again, he was oohed and awwed over - he's such a flirt!) and it was easiest to hav eboth of us there, so one could watch while the other could be orally violated (really, I like this dentist, but you can't help but associate Dentist's with oral violation, right?)
We've got a _ton_ of photos I haven't uploaded to Flickr yet. Eventually I'll probably become a paying member so I can actually use and abuse the service and give some structure to the photos...
I've just set Logan down for a nap, as he's been pretty cranky (six-month shots, teething...)
And we've missed out on a lot of social events... maybe this Friday we'll make up for it (...maybe... if we find a baby sitter....)
I'm still in school full-time. Exhausting! Still pulling an A-B average (so far this quarter).
Feds have dropped rates over a percent? I need to get ahold of Chris and discuss refinancing... take advantage of lower rates, but I'm totally unsure about the process since we've not had our loan a full year all ready....
No real rush, I'm all ready paying down the principal (a little bit, month by month) and paying down our bills (month to month - fun!).
Okay, I've neglected Java long enough, time to crack back in while I can...