- Kicking ass in flash (Carrying an 'A' in that class).
- The launch of pcavote.com
- Wrapping up some work for L.L. Bean
- Wrapping up code for a wishlist for VS Pink
The latter two in the past week, with pretty much no guidance, the prior, well, with a kick-ass group of people.
Needless to say, I'm exhausted and need some vacation time. I'm thinking I may take a four day weekend next week and just relax (as I haven't done in awhile) and just recharge. My last vacation was... I don't remember! I think my last "time off" was three months ago when Logan was born. Of course, there is this Thanksgiving, but that's always 'family time' and not necessarily "me" time.
School - Needless to say, my class choices are changing a bit, but I'm taking a combination of both required by degree and required by need classes.
Work - well, it's a CHALLENGE! I love it! I'm forced to rethink and adopt new ways and change my methods and procedures with nearly every project! I'm getting better at javascript (I'm still taking a course next quarter) and trying to manipulate javascript libraries.
I'm thinking of typing more of my code findings onto horrocio.us and use this as the "personal/identifiable" side of my writing.
I'm using google notebooks more (
google.com/notebook I think).
I'm figuring out how to code flash in myspace and facebook... which is a challenge itself.
Outside of these things, Logan is doing awesome, as is Jess, but when she works at night, it makes life a little harder. I definitely appreciate all she does here, because without her I'd be crazy by now.