Just because I find these to be fun. Stolen from Heidi.

Jul 27, 2005 21:22

c r u s h i n . . .
Pre-K: Not a one.
Kindergarten: No.
1st Grade: I really don't remember...
2nd Grade: Maybe Ben.
3rd Grade: Hm.
4th Grade: Paul.
5th Grade: Paul.
6th Grade: Wow, I really don't remember the kids I liked. Probably Paul again.
7th Grade: Hm.
8th Grade: I didn't like many people.
9th grade: Austin, Garrett (for like a week).
10th grade: Johnny, Jeremy, Sean.
11th grade: Yet to be seen.
12th grade: See above.

--> o t h e r .
Do you have a job: No. I need one.
What are you scared of: Snakes, Frogs, Feet.
Most interesting thing you've done this summer: White Water Rafting, rope-walking, and coed sleep overs.
What store do you shop at the most: Barnes and Noble (I guess.) I don't shop much.
Have you ever done any drugs: Advils are nice for head aches.
Do you collect anything: State quarters, pictures, jones soda bottle lables.
Are you a ditz: Sometimes.

--> f a v o r i t e s .
Day of the week: Thursday.
Thing in your room: Posters, and my plaid couch/chair.
Cousin: Er. Faith.
CD: Right now, The Killers - Hot Fuss. All time = Superchick - Karaoke Superstars
Song(s): The Postal Service - Sleeping In, Coldplay - Parachutes, The Killers - All The Things I've Done.
Ice cream: Publix's 75th anniversary one..
Drink: water and tea.
Thing to do: Read and do stuff with friends.
Movies of all time: Lord of the Rings trilogy, Pocahontas.
Hangout: Anywhere, really. Wherever my friends are. NOT the mall. It's boring there.
Pizza topping: Bacon.

--> r a n d o m .
Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Er. In a steady relationship, I'm hoping. Working. And doing something for God. That's be awesome.
If you could live anywhere: NEW ZEALAND.
Dream house: A moderately sized house with a big yard and big trees. A nice porch with a swing on it, too.
What age do you want to get married: I'm not sure. Before I'm 30.
How many kids do you want: ALOT. Like 6.
Girl's names: Abigail. I'm not sure what other ones. I don't think about that much. I like uncommon ones, though.
Boy's names: Jeremy. See above.

--> h a v e y o u e v e r .
Been in love?: No.
Lied?: Many times.
Cheated on a test?: No. I'm too afraid to get caught.
Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend?: No.
Tied your shoes together?: Not on accident.

--> o p p o s i t e s e x .
1st thing you notice about the opposite sex: Face.
Perfect "dream" date: Hm. Something unpredictable.
What do you look for in the opposite sex?: Good sense of humor, someone who will talk, who's natural and not awkward.
What does the opposite sex not know about you?: Uhm. I'm not always quiet.

--> n i g h t t i m e .
What do you wear to bed: T-shirt and underwear.
What's your bed time: around 2 (during the summmer).
Do you wish on stars: No. It's lame.
Is there a TV in your room: No. I don't like tv.
What's the last thing you do before you fall asleep: Think about anything and everything.

--> f r i e n d s .
Person you can trust the most: God (even if he isn't a person..), Jessica, Jillian. Heh, I need a best friend.
What is the best quality of a friend: Sympathy, Funniness, Openness.
What friend do you have the most fun with: The whole lot of them. Charles, Courtney, and Aimee (concerts) specifically.

Had sex: Nope.
Had online sex: Er, no.
Left the country: No.
Been so drunk u blacked out: Never even drunk. alcohol = nasty.
Gone out in public in your pajamas: All the time.
Missed school b/c it was raining: Uhm, not really.
Set yourself or a body part on fire: No thanks.
Actually thrown shoes onto a phone wire: No.
Had an imaginary friend: No. I always thought it was dumb. Maybe I did before I could remember, though.
Ever cried at a chick flick: Oh yes.
Done something stupid to impress your crush: Probably.
Found a cartoon character attractive: Oh yeah. Johnny Quest and Trunks from DBZ. MMHMM.
At anytime owned a New Kids on the Block tape: No.
Planned your week based on the TV: No. Tv = waste of time.
Been on stage: Sure have.

ARE YOU.....
Lonely: Sometimes. I don't mind being alone.
Happy: A lot, yes.
Wearing pajamas: Why, yes.
Hungry: Not at all.
Eating: Nope.
Talking to someone online: Yes. Courtney and Jessica.

Well. that was exhilerating.
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