Idiocracy Now

May 14, 2009 19:55

Цитирую по напечатанному:

"...This fictional story illustrates the concept of
exponential growth, in which a quantity increases
a constant rate per unit of time, such as 2%
per year. Exponential growth is deceptive.
It starts off slowly, but after only a few doublings,
it grows to enormous numbers because each
doubling is more than total of all earlier growth."

Источник: Environmental Science/11th Edition/G.Tyler Miller. Jr., Annotated Instructor's Edition.

Список учёных мужей и дам, профессоров разнообразных университетов и колледжей страны, выступивших рецензентами книги, занимает несколько страниц.

И так всё.


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