Here's an actual life update thingy, in case anyone was wondering.
School is kind of amazing. I worry I sound like two dimensional TV character because I am this fucking in love with what most people who term 'Beauty School' which it really isn't anymore, though it's the easiest way to describe it to people when the phrase 'all that girly shit you don't understand' doesn't apply or isn't appropriate.
I'm going to level with you guys and admit this feels a little like destiny, I know, I'm gagging too. Despite it being painful and too warm and sometimes embarassing or uncomfortable I really look foward to each weekend, even if saturday evenings are medication, food, nap, medication, sleep and I take all of monday to recover, I feel like I'm finally in the right place. Doing the right thing. Like I have a goal that's reasonable and that I can physically achieve. Despite having to start in early on the state for my (what some people might consider unreasonable) requirements, which basically come down to sitting when I don't have to be standing (it's a two hour exam for state licsensing) and a bottle of water, I don't feel like there's so much to do that it's insurmountable.
Homework is exciting! Just ask my sister. Also my arms hurt, I need to pick up a few exercises to keep them from tying up into knots. I'm even looking foward to studying! And tests. I'm still getting the extra attention from faculty but it's tamped down to a gentle flow of inquisitiveness about how I'm feeling.
In the movie that is my life, this is the montage in the middle. full of interesting learning experiences that tie into my earlier therapy sessions all neat and tidy. Some days I miss feeling fragile and held together by twine, I don't know why, maybe it's because I didn't have to work on anything beyond getting through the day. Now I feel like I still fail at all of the same things, but I'm at least on the path again, or for the first time, not sure yet.
And on the plus side, NYC fans will soon (a few weeks) be able to get a facial for something like 1/3 - 1/2 the normal price. *entices*
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