Aug 10, 2010 00:35
Dear super awesome VVC peeps!
The reason why you did not see hide nor hair of me for saturday and sunday (with small exceptions) was that the universe, in it's infinite morale boosting ways, handed me a migraine and as much as I could have probably socialized more after the first 20 hours or so, I was more concerned with the possibility of air travel with a migraine.
So, I wish I had spent more time with you, oh loyal and jovial pornticians, but this year, shall ever be known as, the Most Expensive Migraine Ever.
Now. Do your jobs and start reccing me vids on the DVD. *taps foot*
p.s. my roomies where extra awesome considering they didn't sign up for a huddled fangirl in the darkest corner of the room, usually inhabited by zool.