Oh hai, I used to post about fannish things.

Jun 13, 2009 20:33

Hmm. State of the fannish me:

1. Dean/Castiel. First, Misha Collins is my new imaginary TV boyfriend. I cannot even begin to explain why. Dean/Castiel on the other hand is like the perfect, epic, angsty, delicious, Romeo and Juliet (depending on the story), love story. *licks pairing* They are so pretty. (need moar icons)

...possibly there is fic in my head. It scares me.

2. There needs to be an exercise series titled: Yoga for Cat Owners. Do you know how distracting it is to do downward facing dog only to be confronted by upward facing kitty? Answer: Very. There's a reason you're only supposed to breathe a certain way while doing that shit. (Yes, cats are totally fandom.)

3. Pfft.

4. Star Trek Reboot fic makes my millennium. Really. All pairings, all styles all kinds of underwear. Though I must say, the surge of Kirk/McCoy makes me pretty damn happy on its own. Needs more TOS/AOS mixiness though. No, I'm not writing it. I did my one cracked out crossover. You can't make me do another.

5. Supernatural again, mostly because its been a while since I've been fully involved in a large fandom with large fanon followings. So here, in no preferential order, are the things I find terribly terribly amusing: A community sub name: Groped by an Angel, genre: PIE FIC, Wing fic has a totally new and plausible look now don't it?, cracked out carebear crossovers frighten me because it's practically canon.

6. I find owning the complete DueSouth to be a SOOTHING BALM TO MY SOUL.

7. Does anyone want me to pick up a VVC con vid for them? 10 bucks, no postage if you live near me!

state of the ami, fandom

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