The following is a list of stuff that was written down as it occurred to me. There is no order or reason, just OMG LOVE.
1. "I don't know, but I like him." McCoy likes Spock! AHAHAHA. That is, until he meets him. McCoy. Oh McCoy. I could go on forever about how awesome you were and how your little pet names for Spock that were liberally sprinkled throughout the movie were each and every one a gem, but I won't, because we all only have so much patience. I will say I am happy with where McCoy and Spock landed, it's the very beginning of a relationship we know and love. (You know, SARCASM!! Sarcasm everywhere!) Also Karl Urban was just awesome. He was Leonard McCoy all the way.
2. The bit with the surprise shots, hilarious! I can see Bones doing that through most of their friendship. That said, I can also totally see this as the genesis for Kirk's fairly infamous hatred of physicals.
Tara's post pretty much sums up a lot of my feelings about Uhura and Spock. In my own words, I find it credible. I find that with 25 years of an altered timeline, a lot can change. I also found that Uhura respects Spock's position but won't shit from him when he tried to shield her for her own good. He honestly wouldn't have reassigned her to the Enterprise if she hadn't earned the placement with her own merits. As for the kissing on the transporter pad, I'm fairly sure the 15 year earlier shift of Sarek's stick to ass ratio is the big deciding factor her. It's where this Spock probably really starts shifting away from Spock Prime (and omg I love that) in regards to social interaction. I think the events in this movie change too much of what would have originally made and informed some of Spock's decisions on the matter for it to have stayed exactly the same.
4. Dude. That was Carson Beckett cock blocking Kirk from the Enterprise. Woah.
6. *makes out with musical score*
7. So was Sam Kirk the older or younger brother? If he was the younger brother, WOAH more changes. To which I say: Awesome.
8. Time travel - I love that it was this. How many times have they fought against this, raced against time and the ticking clock to right their timeline. How many times has it come down to a single decision and they've failed before too, it's come to bite them. So to me it's absolutely fitting and inevitable that this AU happened and it makes me wonder if it hasn't happened before (well it sort of has, just not on this scale). If the movie verse we know is just a relic of some previous time traveler that came back and changed something that couldn't be fixed.
I loved that Spock basically said "fuck the temporal prime directive" because by then there was no fixing it. Hell I could even see him justifying releasing a few bits of scientific development that the Vulcan Science Academy will no longer be around to discover. He basically said it, there's too few Vulcans to hide. It's going to be an open secret. At least among Vulcans.