Because I'm sure some of you were on the EDGE of your seats.

May 01, 2009 14:43

So I have more pictures. They are full of boxes and stuff. But also things that make me happy.

This first one is my makeshift office. Notice how it is just a modem and a router. And entirely in the wrong part of the apartment? (Okay that second part you might not know, but trust me!) Eventually I'll have someone very professional and VERY GOOD run a white coax along the white baseboard around to the completely opposite corner of the room (which I will show you in a bit.) Also note that you get a nice contrast with my livingroom wall color and some of my favorite wood color. Though I tend to go darker.

This would be the livingroom part of the livingroom. (Behind the glass panels if you remember.) This is where the couch (see the white-ish corner, note: it's not actually white) and the TV and my future Wii will reside. Also see the wall coloring compared to my blinds. Sadly the camera does not capture either coloring very well, but you get a good look at the shape and type here, so it's not all for naught. Also, see the boxes on the right? There's many of those left. Finally, the pride and joy, the air conditioner. I can operate it with a remote control! And it has a thermostat! *glows*

The Bedroom! Extra bonus points to anyone who can distinguish between the wall colors here and the other room. I thought I'd throw in some live action shots of the bedroom furniture. Also, see the smaller AC? Yes. I can almost live here now. (Weirdly, all I am missing is the shower rod.)

Very important! The working TV hooked up to my super spiffy DVR. \o/! Also, more of the bedroom furniture in its natural habitat. At some point in the future that TV will end up on the wall and not precariously balanced on a wobbily thing. As I have learned from tragical events in the past, this is not a good thing to let stand as it is.

My bed! Don't let the pile of stuff fool you, it's made and comfortable and just ACHING to be slept in. Ideally it needs two more pillows, but that's details.

The *ahem* corner where my office is going to live. As you can see, it's currently holding other items. Hence why the desk and chair aren't ordered yet. I suspect I'll be living here for a week or two before I can get that done. See the chair on the left, I got that at the same time as the bedroom furniture. It's miraculously comfortable and it matches EVERYTHING. You cannot go wrong with this chair!

I'm here for a little while longer, so I'll take a few request pics if they come in before I leave.


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