Quick eye of the storm summation.

Mar 17, 2009 20:15

1. Cave!Ami discover fire and weird round thingy that makes moving things easier. Tomorrow: Pictograms. Bronze age by Saturday.

2. Dad thinks I'm a drug addict. Instead of an adult who is attempting to manage her condition with inadequate meds and you know, was really really tired. Okay, overstating it. He's "worried". Must. Not. Throttle. Also, his expectation of what some doctor's cost without insurance is hilarious. No really. I nearly hurt myself.

3. is reserved for idiot appraisers who cannot do their jobs right or decide to just take off and stop answering even their bosses phone calls. Yes, this was a major part of the hold up.

4. Papers are finally being signed, closing date is actually on the horizon. I can finally schedule painting and furniture delivery. Of course now I need to get in contact with the coop board to arrange for the delivery and to show them documentation of my cat's shots. *hides under blankies* (i.e. the drugs I needed to get through the move have been backed off and now I am sort of recovering and am at a low point.)

5. Have spent most of my days in bed. Watching old ER eps. Have figured out why I spent the last 4 years going "that guy looks familiar". ER, like Law and Order but with doctors.

6. Have possibly sprained something embarrassing rolling over in bed. It's times like this I often curse that my GP here is male. But mostly the owwies are slowly going down.

7. The drive up to NYC was really hard. I fell down the concrete stairs about an hour before we got on the road, so injuries + adrenaline rush + the week before = so fucking tired. It changed our usual driving schedule. Whereby I could sleep and then acquire coffee (seriously, one day I will tell you what it takes for me to drink coffee) and wake up enough to drive so that I don't accidentally take us off the side of the road. The next day was actually worse. I think I just hit the end of what I had. Hence, CaveAmi.

eta: 8. Oh yeah, and the car is still mostly packed. I should get on that tomorrow.

eta2: Kitteh does not hate me. *snuggles*


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