Oh hai there, I can have Monday mornings of doom?

Mar 17, 2008 10:47

7:17 AM - everything goes silent. Ami wakes the fuck up fast and hard. What? I find ambient noise soothing. Sue me.

7:19 AM - Having watched the power flicker once more and then give up, I reach for my handy dandy flashlight/blunt instrument and take a look around.

7:21 AM - Having confirmed that the power company has not fucked/is out to get me (there were flashlights bobbing in windows and the parking lot light was out before it was bright enough), I briefly contemplate going back to bed. My alarm, after all, goes off in less than two hours and I did not fall asleep till-- well-- we won't discuss that. Let's just say, I'm in a "reasserting my will over my body" phase of sleeping.

7:25AM - I have popped my fully charged laptop open (thanks to the new battery, if I shut everything off I've got between 5 and 6 hours of charge time, even playing video) to sooth my jittery nerves.

7:30AM - Decide to call rental company and see if it's going to be a Long Day or a Very Long Day, they often know at least vaguely what's going on. Cell phone keeps dropping the signal before ringing. I do not find this comforting. I grab my emergency radio and tune my cell phone to cnn.com to make sure the apocalypse is not upon us. (Yes. Really. I know if the data connection was still working odds of apocalypse are weak, but I was tired and cranky and it's totally possible the alien invasion plans aren't 100% successful. OKAY?)

7:35AM - After listening through various bands of radio, TV and weather, I am still unsure about that apocalypse thing, but as the rest of the world seems pretty la-dee-dah, I shrug and watch an episode of BSG. Yes I know, it's like that time I watched Cast Away 20 hours before getting on a plane. I was still oddly comforted. (Note to self: Grab Kara Thrace in case of apocalypse.)

7:45 AM - Try rental company again. Phone rings! I am glad I do not have to call parents with a test phone call to see how far and wide the issue is. By now I have compulsively checked email on cell phone no less than 10 times. Soothing I tell you, SOOTHING. Answering service is not only extremely unhelpful, but sounded vaguely rude and not so intelligent. THIS may be the lack of sleep coloring my perceptions. I choose to believe not.

7:50AM - Ungodly tired, but not falling asleep any time soon. I entertain notions of getting dressed and finding sustenance and caffeine elsewhere. Contemplate canceling massage as I don't know if this is local to my shitty apartment complex or local to my shitty half of the state, etc. Hug laptop and continue to sooth myself on BSG. At this point it's because I do not have to ration chocolate. YET.

9:00AM - POWER RESTORED. Hallelujah. I reboot modem and router. Plug in laptop (JUST IN CASE), push up heat (did I mention it was cold?) and contemplate my day. My very tired day. Start some downloads in case of future catastrophe. I MUST NOT BE BORED.

9:05AM - Cable goes out. I contemplate crying just a little. Resume compulsive email checking through cell phone and once again ponder canceling everything and just crawling into bed.

10:05AM - Cable restored, but not before demoralization complete. After resuming downloads I actually hit dial to the massage place and contemplate canceling again, because that is how sucky I feel. But. Massage. So I persevere. While chugging tea and nibbling on some toast I write this post. Well there was some organization first.

10:45AM - Posting and trying to decide the which of my errands I can scrap. Because-- dear god. I may crash the car or something.

ami: life, not enough alcohol in the world

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