
Apr 15, 2007 18:45

Food stuff:

Cooking can be a bitch sometimes, but it's nice to have nice portions of cooked food waiting to be warmed sitting in my fridge.

Turkey burgers turned out especially well today, can't decide if it's because I added twice the breadcrumbs I usually do and thus they held together better and browned quicker or if it was because I wasn't paying attention and bought the 97/3 instead of the 85/15 ground turkey. But I have three of those left and two portions of rice + string beans. Tomorrow is laaazy day. *G*

The current buns are a bit stale. I might throw them in the freezer as a last resort and take the fresher ones out for now.

Back stuff:

My back is doing loads better. Unfortunately that puts in that place where I overestimate what I can do, my stamina is for shit. W00t.

I'm having trouble remembering all my doses of skelaxin, which I totally want to stay on top of because there's SO MANY issues that I can feel it unwinding one day at a time. I think it's time to keep a scrap of paper next to the bottle so that I can note down times. Just-- every 6 hours is really pretty inconvenient long term, no matter what you get thrown off schedule a bit every day or two. I miss every 8 hours. *nostalgia*

Books stuff:

Still doing fandombookclub, just letting it percolate in my wee brain for a bit. Am also making a list of book reviews I'm going to type up. Next up? Anne McCaffrey.

For those playing along at home, I'm in the middle of (directly actually) Death Masks, book 5 of the Dresden Files (*waves to thevirtualjim*).

Also? My own personal inspiration is kicking into high gear, as you may have noted the posts tagged 'research'. I really appreciate everyone whose helped, so much. Sometimes you just don't know where to start when it's a topic you barely know (read: beer). Sadly, I'm still going to have to pick up a few books. *pats tired credit card* However, world building and plotting has picked up 900%.

Other stuff:

Had dinner with deepforestowl, after a few moments of "okay, which fandom did we meet in again?" we pretty much fell into awesome conversation. It's a bit nervous making meeting in person, because talking requires a bit more instantaneous responses than LJ. We spoke of many fun things and had dinner at a lovely restaurant in downtown Lexington. Which this is actually the first time I've really driven THROUGH it. Mostly I try to go around it and it the large malls on the outer laying areas. It reminded me a lot of eastern Long Island. Glen Cove ish area, with a bit of Stony Brook thrown in.

It's still odd to note the regional differences in food, maybe it was more prominent because this is the first 'posh' restaurant I've eaten in here, so it's like the next level of food up that I'm making the observation on.

We passed a very nice park with two really large and creative (yet simple) water displays. It was just-- lovely. The kind of outdoors I can get behind, with a starbucks across the street and the mall right next door. What? I grew up in a city. Hush.

Sleep stuff:

Also, while bedtime appears to be around 8pm, I am now sleeping AT NIGHT. GOD. SO GOOD. I FORGOT THAT FEELING. Mostly. I'm gonna work it back to around 11pm midnight. Cross your appendages for me!

state_of_ami, books

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